Can a girl rape a guy?

is this even possible? how? can a husband get raped by his wife? that would be crazy! only curious.

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Although each state define crimes like "rape" and "sexual assault" differently, across the world speaking, sexual assault is any unwanted sexual contact. This includes forced vaginal intercourse, but the term may also be used to refer to forced anal or oral sex, including any amount of infiltration with a body piece (like a penis or a hand) or an object (like a bottle or a stick). It can also suggest forced touching or groping of sexual body parts, like a girl's breasts or vulva, or a guy's penis, anus, or scrotum.

It's significant to remember that sexual assault is not about sexual desire — it's give or take a few violence and humiliation. Anyone — woman or man — have the right to say "no" to sexual contact that she or he doesn't want.

During intercourse is a woman's vagina sensitive plenty to feel when a man ejaculate?


My gilfriends period is 2 days behind time but 2 test be negative?

Oh allright after.

I am 14 and am not developing very powerfully what should i do?

No. I don't think it's even physically possible, since he have to be interested to even be functional.

What do you think?

Technically it can come up.

A man could be turned on by the thought, yet not want to do it.

If he say no, it means no.. And really the single way would be her tieing him up VERY tight.. and stimulating him... Although its irregular but it can happen.

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well no is no and no means no. But Thais a motto you cant rape the will in..

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i don't think it's rape unless she blackmail him also

Ive be taking ortho-cept for 10 days and i already had unprotected sex what are the posibility of getting pr

This is why our world is the style it is. corrupt

I just have sex 12 days after my period is that a righteous time if I want to get pregnant?

Rape how?

Like shove a broom feel inside of him?

Or slip him a viagra and tie him to the bed...

The roofie regardless is optional.

Then in that is the in a right state of mind non-censual instrument. Technically if you are drunk, then sex is not consenual.

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In jargon of the law it is extremely possible for this to happen. Anyone of any sexual category can be sexually assaulted by any gender. If someone is intoxicated in anyway- it is still reasonably rape, even if they said yes the whole time.

Why do vaginas develop and "oniony" smell.?

yeah but i dont take why a guy wouldnt want that?

I'm 4 1/2 months pregnant and I've had a headache for the final week. Should I see my doctor right away?

yes its possible if she can get him tied down, the rest is undemanding!

I'm 10 and am wondering what happens until that time your period?

Yes. He can be adamently against it sober, but once inebriated.. ably.. all inhibitions are out the windowpane...

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Yeah, I think it's possible. I don't know in the region of an experienced guy, but someone who doesn't know what he's doing, maybe. And also, what if she's bigger than him, she'd know how to hold him down. I dunno, they're just some thoughts. Maybe not so crazy.

Is nearby something wrong?

What? If a guy is that weak, why would the girl even surplus time on him? that sucks! It could happen, but why?

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In my poinion its is impossible to rape a guy. A mannish has to carry hard for it to function. and for him to bring hard he have to be turned on in some track which means it wouldn't be rape. However, this is if it is penis to vignia dealing, I assume a guy can be raped if hes tied up 4 example and gets it surrounded by the butt...

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No, but she can Seduce him. This can become a legal issue (in UK) and although a woman probably can't be convicted of "Seduction", it can be taken into reason in a court of directive.

14 and haven't had my persiod since Nov '06.?

If getting blindsided by a quickie counts, next YES.

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Only surrounded by my dreams.

Is it ok for me to cheat on my pregnant wife?

If she is strong enough to tie him up or next to help, she could afterwards sodomize him with an aim up the tail pipe. It's still considered rape.

So, yes...A girl can.

Almost 47, very wishy-washy period, on a bad brown discharge and some cramping. Start of menopause?

Are you seeing a married man and he told you this? If so, he's lying to you. He lied to her didn't he?

How do i tell my parents?

It is unquestionably possible. A man does NOT need to be interested in sex to attain an erection. Erections happen a few dozen times a year, even when sex is the furthest thing from a man's mind. Fear, anxiety, anger, adjectives these things can cause en erection.

Can things such as verbs, anxiety n stress delay ur time of year?


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The problem is having a guy own up it.
Because of the whole macho impression, I might refuse to say-so it happened myself.
If a guy is aphorism he was raped, any he is emotionally weak, surrounded by which case he would enjoy deeper issues, or he is not telling the truth because he is caught surrounded by an affair.

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Yes as expected....rape constitutes more than sticking a penis in a vagina against someone's will.

I just started this clean bc pill and im spotting but no period ?

yes they can. Sure it's take a bit of imagination, but it is of course possible. But usually the men don't attention to detail too much. But say if a woman near a gun force a man to stick something up his . I'm pretty sure the guy would be just a wee(MEGA) pissed.

Why Are teen girls eager to know more going on for sex?

I don't know.
but anithing is possible in ths world.

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yes he can be drugged,drunk or some other path incapacitated. Although it will never be taken as serious.

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Yes within some rare cases if the girl competent to stimulating the man she want to rape and able to stir up his desire then the girl can rape a guy unless minus a guy's willing is unworkable to rape him.

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Its possible, he may be turned on, but he knows its wrong and consciously wishes to stop it. But the girl forces herself on him.

That's rape.

What is the appropriate age to.?

can why not? if a lady wrestler from wwf, if she want she can do!

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