Is it supposed to?

when i first try to put a tampon in is it supposed to hurt.
i tried today but it hurt so i stopped

Answers:    perchance its The way your sitting? try your foot on the toilet form and get a clear display of you area than place it within. if that doesn't work than sit on the toilet and spread eagle and insert or you could just read the dissertation inside of the box they have visuals
yes it is suppose to hurt you merely have to keep hold of on trying untill it doesnt hurt. its gonna be uncomforbal the 1st few times
dont know.
i use pads.
i regard its safer.
maybe you pushed too rock-hard?
I had like peas in a pod problem when I first tried to use one. After a couple of times, it won't hurt as bad. it hurts for the first 2 or 3 time but after you attain use to it u wint even notice putting it contained by
Maybe you need a different tampon. When i be young i used the OB tampons they are teeny or they take home tampons for teens which are smaller. And when you put it try to relax if you tense up the muscle will anxious and it will not go within and it will hurt. It depends on the woman. If you're very young-looking, you may still have a pretty gummy hymen, which could make it more sore to insert one.

My best advice would be to try again, but near some lubricant, like KY Jelly. If you're afraid your parents won't approve, merely let them know why you entail it, and hopefully, they'll be okay with it. Lubrication can sustain the tampon slide in more well.

Whatever you do, don't force it in to snappily. Just ease it contained by as best you can, and do it slowly. Try swirling it around in circles. Take your time, and if you positively can't make it work, you might want to hang about a little while. Your hymen should trim out a little as you seize older, so it might be easier within a few years.
you just own to relax as you are going through the process. ...i think that you regard as,,, it will hurt so you are tensing up abit..also if you are using the cardboard applicator ,,you can try switching to a product that uses a plastic applicator.that may be more comfortable for you. NO!! It is not supposed to hurt. It will feel humiliated but if you are feeling PAIN you are doing it wrong. Trust me...There is a wrong means of access and a right way. I feel pain for the 1st 2 months or so I did it and my doc told me how to angle it right and she be pain!!

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