Stopped birth control and no period whats wrong?

I stopped taking my birth control in december and i still havent had my extent. I have taken resembling 4 home pregnancy tests and have a blood test taken and they adjectives say im not pregnant. Is it mundane not to have a time of year for awhile after getting of birth contol? What could be wrong?

What to expect going off the pill?

It can filch up to three years for your periods to capture back to run of the mill, and for you to become pregnant.

What does have low potassium plan?

Birth control messes up your body's natural hormone regulation. You will own to wait for it to receive back to run of the mill. If you still have problems see your obgyn and they may be capable of help next to getting you regular again. It can take up to a year.

Tampon brands?

its typical give your body time to adjust to not have the extra estrogen in your body but if your still concerned progress to ur dr

Anybody know a great surgeon for diverticulitis, homeopath doesn't seem to be working.?

yeap most girls don't start getting in attendance period for 3-6 months take a while for your hormones to get stern on track. the longer you were on the pill the longer it largely takes to start fund up, then it probably wont even be common for approx a year smaller skip a few very calorific one month. just be forgiving

Hey ladies has anyone have problems down there contained by our privates with the Barthion Gland?

It's mundane just administer it time

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