
I was wondering what could be the grounds for a young juvenile girl to stop menstruating? I wouldn't like to consider the girl is pregnant as this would be a probable answer from most but is there any other cause?

I haven't had my time since janurary!?

Several reasons - firstly pregnancy. If she have only of late started menstruating it can be quite irregular for a few months until she settles into a routine. An intake disorder such as anorexia or bulemia will affect hormone levels, and so can self incredibly active (say sports training daily). I also hold a four week cycle when ovulating from my right ovary and a seven week cycle when ovulating from my left. I hold had test and nothing be found and was told it is only one of those things!
If you are concerned it would be worth taking her to a doctor. Firstly he will eliminate the pregnancy side of things and afterwards if that is glum, will investigate further.

And to the moron who says have periods is something to be ashamed of - grow up! If it wasnt for regular female cycles you wouldnt even be here (some empire are such idiots!!)

Stretch marks?

eating disorder similar to anerexia is one cause of a childish girl to stop menstruating.


Menstruation is something to be ashamed of. Women really shouldn't talk in the region of it in public.

And ladies, pleas show a touch decorum and stop asking your men to pick up your feminine supplies from the store. It's fault-finding so plan ahead.

During an orgasm..?

am not a doctor..but the only i can give attention to is she might be pregnant.Though there are instance that they menstruated untimely (at an early stage). is her tummy hurts after the time stops..i suggest to see a doctor, this might be a serious medical condition.


getting too thin, hormone fluxuations, human being very busy in sports, mortal nervous, lug her to the doctor.

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