Could I be going through menopause without any symptoms?

I haven't had my time for two months. I'm not pregnant because I've had my tubes tied for 18 years, and I took a interview just to create sure and it was distrustful. I'm only 41 and my mother didn't start going through menopause til she be in her mid 50's. Could missed period be a symptom of something else?

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There is nil unusual about a woman going through the menopause in need symptoms. I did. Never a one. But, since your mother didn't go into menopause until her middle fifties, I would hold suspected you to follow her pattern much more closely. Therefore my counsel would definitely be to bring back yourself an appointment with a gynaecologist, permit him/her get a full medical history from you, run a check or two, and make a professional determination in the region of what's really going on.
The last words you ever want to hear a doctor voice to you are.."If you had of late come to me sooner, we could have deal with this problem so much easier"
If in attendance is something amiss, you'll have jump right on it; and if the doctor d etermines that you are simply going into early menopause, and zilch else appears to be wrong, well, later you get the peace of mind and can bring back on with the subsequent phase of your life.

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Missed period can be caused by alot of things that I am sure you know of. Stress can play a considerable factor, if you recently started doing more dialy entertainment., quite a bit of things. There are also general public who start showing small signs of menopause earlier than the "normal" age bracket. Could inventory anywhere from spotting, period flow change, mood swings, hot or cold flashes. I am not a doctor though. I think for a much better confidence of mind you might consider seeing a gynocologist anyway. It will help you a bit. Even when the season change it effects mine.

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There are masses reasons why a woman can miss her interval. You could be going thru menopause. I have set women as young as 40 individual finished. I would have my thyroid checked.
Also it could be a hormonal point. A doctor can do a blood test to see if you are within menopause. You likely arent pregnant.

It is great not have a period anymore.

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Get it checked out. Menopause is a stage contained by life when a woman stops have her monthly period.It is a commonplace part of aging, mark the end of a woman's reproductive years.More information and remedies at

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