What is the best way to quit smoking?

I have tried the Nicoderm CQ Patch, gum, and zyban very soon what?

i want to increase my boobs.?

First, are you sure that you really want to quit?

It's a tough addiction - realizing you're addicted and that it is damn difficult to quit is the first step. Are you here yet?

It usually take several serious efforts and after several extended relapses before you quit for honest - if you quit for good.

If you can't quit via the usual routine (cold turkey, NRT, Zyban) try the new Pfizer drug, Chantix. But be paid sure you really want to quit - otherwise you are wasting your time.

I smoked for more than 25 years, and I have be smokefree now, finally, for almost 2-1/2+ years.

I had a c-section 10 months ago and i havent have a period -no i am not pregnant ! why are my period not here?

Try willpower

is it common for women to appetite their own vagina?

Just lay them down and set your mind.

Anyone ever had a loss of trance after looking at a laptop computor screen for an extended time of year of time?

Read a book called "How to quit smoking the confident way"

I have a 11 year hoary friend who has smoked weed next to a 15 year old and plans to do it again.?

Will power.

My daughter be diagnosed 4 months ago wiv cluster headaches, put on a progesteron pill.presently head still discouraging and

Wheres the will to quit? I quit and I still dont want one only because I made myself sick of them..

Hey newly for the girlies plz .. bois too but myt not be much help .. ok when?

The best path to quit smoking - Rehab. Your dependant on the chemicals - Rehab will help break that newly like narcotics and drugs etc.

Its be 7 months sinse I last get my periodHELP :/?

you can quit smokeing very easly when you really want to , not when you reflect you have to

Is it true a man's sperm contains protein and is angelic for the skin?

throw your cigs away and never buy another stick again

and try to imagine a rotting lungs.



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I quit smoking because I kept getting a cold, my hair smelled fruitless, my nails smelled impossible, I didn't want to get cancer, I didn't want to be a statistic. Women smoke more than men.

When a woman have a Pap, if there is cancer.?

There is no jammy way. You enjoy to have the will power to put them down and speak I'm not going to pick them back up. It looks approaching you've tried everything except confidence in yourself that you can do it. You can! I know because I did!

First 2 periods ever severely n i mean VERY standard lamp ..is this normal?

you enjoy to want to. all paraphernalia are only just to help you.

I used zyban, nico gum. I want I had the inhaler thingy when I quit.

Well can it be ?

most society i've talked to read aloud cold turkey is best. throw out the cigarettes and keep yourself away from the nation, places, and things that tempt you.

Constant discharge?

i am a smoker and i am 21 years old i own been smoking since i be 8 years old i smoke because i dont want to quit and i never hold tried to quit because i just dont want to, what you involve to do is if you want to quit you can anyone can do anything they want to do only if they freshly do it so if you wnat to quit just throw them away and speak goodbye otherwise thats your otions is quiting or not..

I had unprotected sex, my length came but it be light, and contained by two days it was gone could i be pregnant?

I quit cold turkey. It be that or die. I went into respiratory ruin and I haven't had a smoke since. It be hard but I sure have a feeling better and breathe better!! Good luck to you and hang contained by there, you'll create it. It's been 8 months for me!!

should i be concerned i can't discern the strings on my iud/coil?

You just enjoy to want to quit. When my husband and I decided to hold our first child, I just simply set them down that be a good plenty reason (being pregnant) for me. It's be over 3 yrs and still dont want one. Good Luck!

What are some medical reasons (BESIDES pregnancy) for skipping period?

Get a picture of a black lung and carry it around near you. Whenever you get a craving look at the picture and influence

"If I smoke another cigarette, I'm one step closer to this"

Just STOP smoking. It's HORRIBLE for you.

I am 12 years old and i hold white discharge?

Have you tried all at once because I own heard specifically the best success - zyban and the patch. Also in attendance is a new shot out in a minute that is supposed to really work - telephone call your doctor and ask them about it. I am not sure of the first name, etc but I know it is out and that it works. Also, I know some are skeptical about it but hypnotism -- if you are break open to it - has worked for lots of my friends. I also know that a smoker support group can help - I enjoy seen like mad of research on this so you want want to look if there are any surrounded by your area.

On the communication tonight, there be a story about tobacco companies and that they hold increased the amount of nicotine in cigarettes escpecially Marlboro and other brand names over the later six years - drastically - up to 40% more than before years ago so populace get addicted unsophisticatedly after one time. They never told anyone this - someone found out. I was thinking roughly a week ago about how addicted I discern now and I never used to - immediately I know why. - And they claim to want to help race quit - ha!

Good luck!

do tampons have side effects?

the fastest means of access, just quit. You enjoy to want to, tho. If you dont want to quit, you probably shouldnt bother. cause it will be a lifelong struggle. If you can just settle on to quit, tho. you can do it. just stop buying or bumming them. JUST STOP! after a month, you will own no reason to start again. of late 1 month! you will love the new, nontobacco smelling, competent to taste, non hack, you! and after that first month, it just get easier and easier. soon you wont even know why you ever wanted to smoke within the first place.

Does high white blood cell count and ovarian cysts hold anything in common?

just try it lacking all this staff, concentrate yourself and settle on you aren't going to smoke, and when you are ready progress for it.

How to get bigger boobs?

When I quit..it be hard.VERY strong.
I got two plastic straws. I name them "Nick" and "Nicky". Whenever I "nicked out", I'd puff on them boomingly like I would a cigarette. No, it wasn't alike, but I kept puffing and sucking until the horrible urge passed. Praying helped! So did calling my friends and sister when I really feel weak. (Those who enjoy kicked the habit are the best.they apprehend!) It takes just about a week, but Nick and Nicky were finally retired. It is exceedingly hard, but so worth it!

Question for the girls?

try to hang on to yourself busy, have a support system

I haven't have a period since formerly Sept. of 2006/7 months, any ideas for my problem?

In luggage of women, cigarettes relieve stress. Women need to smoke at tiniest 2 cigarettes everyday to keep themselves on the toes. If you are a woman and you do not smoke, next you are missing something in life.
Do smoke everyday.
Good luck.

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