Ladies? This is kind of embarassing...?

Ever since I turned 14, which was 4 years ago..I've notice that anytime I put on a shirt after I shower, doesn't matter if it's summer or's not long back my underarms sweat right through my shirt, and leave a really embarassing drizzling spot under my arms. I disgust it so much, because I like to wear wiry material during the summer, and it's markedly noticeable. I've changed deoderants masses times...can anyone help me? is an anti-perspirant different than deoderant? Please relieve.

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I have the EXACT same problem forever! I tried every type of brand, and even the Mitchum extra strength wouldn't really help me. It turns out my mom have the same problem call hyperhidrosis, but all those years I be too embarrassed to do anything give or take a few it or ask anybody and resorted to many layer of clothng. About a year ago I mentioned something to my mom, and she let me try out her prescription to control the sweating. It's call "Drysol" and you can have your doctor prescribe it to you. It's a gooey made of I think 20% aluminum chloride that you apply to your underarms near cotton balls every other daylight or so. It's pretty irritating to the skin, so DO NOT shave and then put it on or you'll score your skin off. I almost give up on it because it was so ruthless that I'd lie awake at darkness wanting to scratch and score...but eventually I got used to it, and simply had to use it once a week. After going on for a year I only use it around once a month and just sweat at all anymore. No other deodorant is needed or's really a miracle to me. Now I can wear tight t-shirts and cistern tops and never have to verbs that I have a huge sweat stain.

So...what you requirement to do is go to your doctor and speak about them your symptoms, and it's likely that you own hyperhidrosis as well and ask if you can try Drysol out. It's pretty discordant at first like I said, but I really do deduce it's great.

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An anti-perspirant is supposed to lessen sweating, and a deodorant is for taking the sweat odors away. Most "deodorants" are both. You could try Certain-Dri, anti-perspirant for more severe sweating.

I enjoy a womans question, modern to sex?

antiperspirant stops or reduces the sweat, while deodorant in recent times makes it not smell.

Tampon issues?

try mens Mitchum

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Yes. You should use an antiperspirant and deodorant. The deodorant take care of the smell, it doesn't hold you from sweating.

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An anti-antiperspirant IS different than just a deodorant. You probably should try one to be precise both. Try a few different ones, I know that some don't seem to work at adjectives for me. If this doesn't work talk to your doctor because near are prescription anti-antiperspirants available.

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yes deodorant is different than anti-persperant.
just look at the describe of the two products. it spells it out clearly. deodorant, just help with the smell where on earth anti-persperant stops sweating.
i have a similar problem, although i am using anti-persperant.
for a while "woman stick 24/7 microabsorbers" worked amazing.
hope it does for you

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Anti perspirants keep you dryer longer, but I would suggest taking cooler shower's that passageway you don't sweat right after you come out (I know because I do it too). And just dawdle a little while until you cool past its sell-by date a little to put your shirt on.

Very high cousin?

a deodorant will mask the smell of sweat.
An anti-perspirant certainly blocks the sweat glands so they do not make sweat.

If it is really unpromising you can get a prescription from a doctor for extra strength antipersirant

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Yes, an anti-perspirant is different than deodorant. Deodorant only help to cut down on the smell from the sweat. An anti-perspirant helps to cut down on the covered with sweat (sweating).

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What about that up to date stuff I have see on tv Seceret Clinical strength?

Please answer this i am worried can i be pregnent if?

anti perses keep you dry ( yeah right) deoderants covering odor. try the salt sticks. Wash throughly underneath your arms with mild soap or gel and rinse thoroughly- wipe on witch hazel thenapply the stick. takes more or less three applications- over three days to get the full effect. Your body will steady down in a couple of years.

it's be 36 days.?

I have found suave to work really okay.

How much weight?

i own the same problem
use undisputed dry it works

how long does your first cycle last?

you look hot, no wonder you sweat LOL. any unsystematic you're in florida?

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There is an actual medical condition where on earth this happens so try conversation to your doctor about perscription or intuitive remidies.

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Sounds weird, but beforehand you go to the doctor, try men's deodorant. Worked for me. Arm & Hammer sport or unsented does not enjoy a cologne/aftershave smell and works well. If that doen't back, they have that prescription someone be talking going on for earlier. A friend also have botox shots for excessive sweating (which is what it was originally used for I guess) and it worked miracles.

Personal Question?

I know how that go. First, anti-perspirant IS differerent than deodorant, as anti-perspirant is supposed to block the sweat.
About a year ago, I took a friend's advice after I be getting sick of wearing only muddy shirts in the summer: use infant powder under your arms instead of deodorant/anti-perspirant. Not just do many deodorant/anti-perspirant companies put bleak things in their products which can harm you, but child powder seemed to sustain block my arm pit sweat from soaking through my shirt (keep in mind, it was a HUGE problem for myself as powerfully.)

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i dont know what to explain to you... maybe it's merely you... you should go to the doctor...

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