Pleaseee! embarassing quiz!!??

ok so i am a girl, 14 yr old. i have gotten my spell, have 36a boobs. anyway i have a do amount of body hair... and my question is, should i use sissiors to cut it, similar to will it grow back thicker if i trim it like it does near shaving?? i have to do a show and we all enjoy to change infront of eachother and i dont want to be embarrased by the hair... so please answer minus making fun..

Period! Light at first next Dark Brown/Black Blood For 4 Months! Any Idea's?

Trimming is good for maintaining hackle. Or do you have a close friend which is going? Ask them what they're doing about body fleece and do the same.

If you're thinking about shaving, brand name sure you trim first. Then make the area raining and shave away. It might be itchy for the first few days but you'll get used to it.

Goodluck! :]

I'm really curious..?

Its all up to you, if you perceive you have too much body hair, if your conversation about the genitalia you can just trim it up near scissors, its no big deal. I wouldn't personally verbs about it, you all are girls, they should be worried in the order of hurrying up and getting to the next scene for the show, not be looking at you and your body hair. I don't believe they will even think about that. I regard their head will just be within the show you guys are doing. If you trim though, it doesn't grow back thicker, if you shave it, it does.

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Sissors are dangerous. Shaving is probably the best road if you are in a hurry. Otherwise, it will probably grow in thicker, but I don't know. I infer you can get laser hair removal surgery but that's expensive and I don't know how treacherous that can be. I would also avoid wax.

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hair doesn't grow back thicker, but when shaving, or adjectives hairs you cut off the " pointy ends " therefor the ends are blunt and look thicker. be extremal meticulous first time, use scissors, to cut shorter then use razor, immensely light strokes, be very reliable around the labia and not cut yourself

Help! girl interview!! best answere= 10 points!!?

I keep my hair trimmed close beside scissors in the pubic area. It will not grow spinal column any different. Shaving is only for the insides of the legs so it doesn't show when you wear a swim suit. Not only that, it itches and is completely uncomfortable to shave. Don't be ashamed of your body! You are a beautiful girl!

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trimming your spike with scissors whether it be pubic hair or any tresses won't make it grow back faster, no. copious women trim their pubic hair but it can also be scratchy the first couple of days when you trim "down there" because the edges aren't all curly and stuff. They become straight across similar to from the trimming and can kind of stick you a bit. I know that sounds strange but you will see for yourself. Don't trim it real short or anything. Just satisfactory to please yourself.

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That is a myth, that cutting hair make it grow back thicker.
Totally BS.

Yes, you can trim it with scissors, freshly don't go too short, and cut reeealllly slow, so you don't accidentally knick something!

Don't be embarrassed by the quill, it's normal and natural!

My daughter,Gurpreet is 14 yrs old-fashioned in a minute & is a spina-bifida girl,& only just she have a surgery for thethred cord

I dream up you can start off by trimming it won't make your pubic curls grow faster or thinker, if anything shaving will. Also shaving does make you really itchy but overtime you seize used to it and it doesn't bother you anymore! But it's all up to you!

Will i get hold of any taller?

I don't think a scissors will kind it grow back faster. Also, shaving is only going to sort it grow back faster and darker if you do it too normally. I wouldn't worry about shaving it for a while for now. Just don't do it any more frequently than you have to.

I am 36 and the Drs told me i could never distribute birth.?

aww babe!
haha we adjectives have these problems.
I say you lately shave it.Instead of having all that spike there.Its cleaner.
and if like you dont shave/trim and you hold hair at your show,id enunciate to just turn around and cover with a towel,or something.
hope i help.

I'm a virgin and i drink alot of hose but it burns sometimes after i pee not during ever since i be little

I do to, it's not that big of a deal. Just turn away (towards the lockers) so people cannot see as in good health. Also, you can shave some of it off.

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im a 13 yr old girl hehe. i knoww wut u meaan its so anoying! lol omg i tried shaving once.. and dont!! i get sore little bumps and it was UBER ITCHY! so i let it grow backbone and i trim it with scissors VERY CARFULLY! hehe lol :]

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oh, honey, its ok. my first time i had greatly of public hair was for a time freaked too. then i started SHAVING. i felt profoundly better about my self, talk to your mom.

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Using scissors to cut body pelt is not a good idea. If it's really bugging you can shave, or use hair-removal cream.

Im confused!?

If you use scissors, basically trim carefully.

Shaving might cause irritation.

Sore breast?

find a feminine razor at the drug store..
preferably not disposable ones cos they suck...
like a venus blade or something

you dont need shaving cream either merely soap will work fine

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Trim what you want, shave what you want. It's your body and your life!

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Hey shave I do and it dose not grow back thicker in recent times keep it up "AKWARD" lol

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if you have to vary in front of people this might nouns crazy but you should wax it!

People who bring back..?

No scissors. hair removal best bet. Get some NAIR babay! Great Stuff

No answers from the doc all the same?

u should get a wax

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For girls solely: how ripened be you when you have pubic fuzz? What color is it and do you shave it?
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