Stretch Marks are ruining my energy!! they are everywhere!?

Okay I am 19 now, but I started getting stretch marks on my legs when I be 12! When I started getting them I was really skinny and in really suitable shape, and I never grew taller all at one time, it was pretty gradual so it really doesn't fashion sense that I got them in the first place, but over the years they only just kept coming and coming and now they are EVERYWHERE on my legs. The past few years I hold gained weight but not so much that I'm close to incredibly overweight, and now I have stretch grades on the side of my stomach and all of sudden this past week I notice them on my boobs which have been a 36 C for more than 2 years, so they are not growing so I don't know why I get marks on them! Every time I look in the mirror it breaks my heart, I a moment ago want to cry! I don't even bother dating anymore because I know where it could lead, and I am so ashamed of the results that I will not let someone see them! Also they NEVER fade, the ones I got when I be 12 are still red as ever! Continued.

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I can totally relate.. ive always had some on my hips in recent times from gaining and losing wieght which was never alot of counterweight.. just my body changing. im 24 and 39wks pregnant beside my second. i have stretch marks undermy arms.. astern my knees.. on my chest andddd from about 3 inches above my belly button down to my thighs lol.. my baby struggle scars lol.. the best thing for any mutilation is vitamin e.. cocoa butter never worked for me.. and lazoring works also, but it could take a few times doing it to get complete results. ive be in a few relationships since ive had them, and havent have any complaints.. im insecure about them too but i know they are scars and its not resembling its changed who i am as a person. i think since it looks worse because its our body and you look at it adjectives the time ya know? keep your head up and check out the vitamin e or the lazor :)

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i am the exact same i put on a bit of counterweight and i mean only around 7lb and i get stretch marks everywhere and not just a few i close-fisted loads on my legs hips and bum. it really got me down! but eventually they do fade to silver.. but never fully go away deplorably:( fake tan can disguise them rather though

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theres special scar cream and cream for stretch marks ..the best place to obtain one that works is probably a dematologist
try self tanning lotion to hide them
if youre in right shape then its nothing to do beside growing fatter, it has to do with growing taller.. which you cant really help out hah..but they will go away
so try the creams and tanning cream! and good luck

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you realize these grades are permanent.
I have stretch grades around my hips and theighs,
but the thing is, im not near chubby,
and i enjoy the skinniest thrighs ever.

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OMG! i have those too...i got them resembling a year ago and they are on my doctor said there is nothing i can do! consent to me know if you find a cure! im sorry.

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Well, i think you can live with them, i imply youre really lucky if thats all youve got to verbs about in your time.

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You just have to live beside them. A lot of girls have them just from growth spurts during their teen years. It doesn't situation how fast you grew or anything.

Help me i hold saggy skin after pregnancy and stretch grades?

Leaning out a little bit will lend a hand. At least they will fade over time and become less striking.

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haven you ever heard of that camercial for that gold bond strech grades cream!

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Give up, accept yourself and stop moaning..its life

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mine faded beside sun exposure over time. i know, it's not easy to accept, but that's what it in actual fact took. now, except for the deepest ones on my stomach...they're just tiny white squiggles. some folks are thin-skinned and get them while others don't. i didn't get them til i be 25 and pregnant, but my cousin also started getting them as a teen.

yes, there are expensive creams (stri-vectin is supposed to actually work but it's $$$$).my warning is to use some sunscreen and spend time scantily clad outdoors (by yourself if necessary).

I achieve really bloated the week until that time and the week of my spell. what is a honest agency to run down or stop this?

i have them too girl, don't sweat it!
i am also self conscious about them.. only wondering, has your weight fluctuated greatly in the last few years?

also... how long did you use the bio grease for? i heard you have to use it at smallest 6 months to see dramatic results.

anya - there isn't a "cure" .. they are a permanent etch on your body... near isn't a way to get RID of them, basically lessen the dramatic appearance.

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Lots of girls have stretch marks, it's not that bigga agreement. they don't reduce your level of nouns much at all. If I had to choose between an average girl near no stretch marks, or even a slightly prettier girl with stretch grades, I'd take the stretch marks. I have a gf in highschool who had them at 17, and she wasn't corpulent at all. she didn't seem as concerned near them as you seem to be, and I saw her completely naked lots, many times.

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to prevent stretch marks moisturize your skin coca butter works wonders and its cheap, and chomp through lots of protien, but once you have them, short of plastic surgery you have them for go. they will eventually fade when you stop growing and some people are just more prone to them. dont verbs about people seeing them almost every one have some somewhere, and if any guy is lucky enough to see you naked he wont be looking at your stretch grades trust me.


You should try using Strivectin-SD or HydroPeptide Full Body Anti Aging Moisturizer With Stretch Mark Repair

Go to, they have some advanced creams and lotions for all kind of situations with your skin.

Look here to see what I'm talking roughly speaking:

Also, try not to be too judgemental about your body. I've had my own skin situation, so I know what it's close to, although it's probably tougher for girls than guys. Relax and be confident even if you don't think you are perfect and you will be more attractive. I can't explain why, but confidence and humor make girls/women way more attractive. Good luck!

EPT's anyone??

Don't let your stretch grades dictate your life. You are young, pretty, and probably extremely smart. If the right guy comes along and he really likes you, then your stretch grades or any other insecurities that you may feel will affect his feelings roughly you.the right guy won't do that to you. I recently saw a poll on here asking if a guy found stretch marks, cellulites, etc. as a turn bad and many guys who answered said no. You have to revise to embrace your insecurities and turn them into an important part of you. If you want to try laser surgery, fine but consult a doctor first. I hope you find what it is that you are looking for. You'll be okay, trust me. :)

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