My Period is Comming and i own a few questios for it...?

Okay so let me just lay this out here:
-my college nurse is totally crazy and doesnt even speak english
-my mom is not a big help since she thinks i dont know anyhting
-my friends jsut sigh when i ask them this qeustion

ok so i am 12 and enjoy recently broke out in zits (which i never usually get) gotten some minor cramps my discharge be yellow one day and in a minute whiteish again. i know my period is comming.

i have 4 question though
1. I know that you get it for like a week once a month but how oodles times in a day could i covering a pad in my backpack near out anyone knowing
3.I have been wearing pad (that i stole from my mom) to school for about a week, but when i receive it how do i tell my mom..with out any proof or do i make clear to her have been stealing form her?
4.i hold been wearing pads evryday and today i want to travel swimming should i wear a tampon? or would it not be safe? since i havnt hade my period

Please oblige


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Hey, don't worry about anything, okay? It's a innate process.

1. Okay, USUALLY you get it for once a month, or around that time. It really varies. Some society get it every 20 days, others maybe every 35. However, the time contained by between is around 30 days. It usually lasts for 5 days for most girls. It really differs. In the beginning, in attendance might be no pattern.

When you say "how masses times a day", the only answer I can give you is that you usually enjoy your period for a few days. There isn't a number of "times" it happens--just wear your wipe or tampon throughout until you no longer spot any blood. Just make sure to change a few times a hours of daylight, unless it is very light.

2. It's not really that tricky, and most people don't really peek into your backpack. I suggest that you bring a few, put them surrounded by a ziplock, plastic bag, and keep it at the bottom of your backpack. This road, they don't get all over the place, and most race don't look below the books.

3. I don't think she'd be the smallest bit upset about you stealing from her. Just tell her straight up that, "Mom, I've be using your pads because I think I'm getting my interval." There's no real reason to draw from mad, because it's your first time, and you're just somewhat worried. Trust me, she won't be mad.

4. Okay, well, first things first, you don't own your period, so don't worry going on for wearing a pad or tampon for swimming. Usually, no blood comes out when you're in hose down anyway. However, when you actually get your time of year, wear a tampon or just don't swim.

Don't worry give or take a few these questions. I suggest that you just own a talk with your mother. It might seem to be scary, but I'm sure she'll understand you. There's no foundation for her to be angry.

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1. its constant for the whole week or however you have it for
2. if you enjoy a pocket in your bag or hush-hush compartment you can out it there
3.when you get it merely tell your mom "I think i get my period" and say that you got it from someone at conservatory not i repeat do not wear a pad swimming you have to wear a tampon...

Women answer please?

1.You draw from it all day until the 3rd daytime and then it slows down
2. your backpack should have little pockets inside the pack so hide it in in that or keep it in a rucksack.
3. well you weren't really 'stealing' she's your mom and its a pad, she would be glad to permit you use it
4. tampons are really painful at first so you should practise alot first.

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hi well i hvent have my period ethier ive had duplicate thing and no how u feel. surrounded by the morning put a pad in the pocket of ur backpack surrounded by class ask to go to the bathroom and get the wad then put it on. For the pads only just tell her the truth shees a women shell understand. and for the swimming if ur not comfertaable wearing one ask ur mom to dispatch a note in or politley ask to be eccused. Good luck!

I in recent times have a little one 2 months ago i havent gotten my length on the other hand? why?

Your length could be MONTHS away. Just because you just started breaking out and getting discharge doesn't mean a piece.
1. Hun, it is continous, all day.
2. Just stick it surrounded by there. No use trying to hide it.
3. Just voice "Hey mom, got my period."
4. DO NOT WEAR A TAMPON IF YOU AREN'T ON YOUR PERIOD! It could be months from very soon before you get it. Could even be YEARS from very soon. Stop worrying too much.

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1. It depends sometimes when i get excited more comes out but it is varied
2. umm... i hold a gym bag and in that a puch i put one contained by there also i have one surrounded by my coat just make sure not a soul sees it if u feel similar to u have to change it where on earth it to ur next class and ask to go to broom
3.Good thinking ahead tel ur mom my mom be excited! tampon

Good luck!

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1. there isnt a certain #.
2.a purse or a tampon covering or in makeup bag
3. transmit her
4. i would and its safe

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when you are on your period,seize away from the cold water ~

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1) you get it for resembling 5 days every month,sometimes a few days more, and you keep a pad on adjectives day, the blood usually comes all hours of daylight and night (wear an overnight one for night)
2) wrap it in toilet treatise, hide in it some description of box...
3) well.. would she care that you thought you needed pad? If you don't feel liek you could ask her do you have a sister or someone else...? and she should know in the order of when you start your period, too...
4) The only time you can't budge swimming without a tampon is when you actually start bleeding. Otherwise, it isn't a problem.

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1. When you bring your period you bleed throughout the day. You don't bleed non-stop, but you bleed for a while bit all throughout the day and darkness so need to keep a wipe on or a tampon in.. I would say modification your pad or tampon every couple hours .. more or less depending on how much you bleed.

2. You could bring a purse surrounded by your backpack and keep it in the zippered element inside ur purse, then take your purse out of your backpack when you want to go to the bathroom...or keep it within the small front part of ur backpack and bring ur backpack to the bathroom with you.

3. You don't enjoy to be wearing pads until you actually obtain your period, don't worry because when you seize it it's not going to seep through your underwear and your pants formerly you noticing it. Once you notice some blood you can put a wipe on or a tampon in. So just hold on to a pad in your backpack newly incase.

4. Don't worry! If you haven't had your term yet don't be wearing pads or tampons, simply have them on you incase, like I said, when you catch sight of that you have gotten it, it won't be like so much blood that race will notice. I would talk to my mom if I be you, then she can show you how to use a tampon if you want to learn. Don't be embaressed to ask her question.

Hope I could help! If you have any more question, feel free to e-mail me! =)

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1. You'll get it once a week respectively month, and you'll have it all light of day. Sometimes it will seem lighter in the morning, but receive sure you're protected because it will get heavy again during the year. But you'll have it all year long for a week.

2. Put the pads in a smaller closure compartment that you don't keep anything else in. If you don't own people digging through your backpack, no one should make out at all.

3. When you get it, purely straight up tell your mom. She isn't going to care that you be wearing pads, I promise she won't be mad at you. Just communicate her that you got it and you'll need them.

4. NO do not wear a tampon unless you in actual fact have it. It's NOT SAFE to wear one when you're not actually bleeding because you can seize an infection. You should be safe to swim, don't worry around it.

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hi, wel what i would first of all tell you is that your mam will get the drift. she'l remember how she felt when she first got her term, and understand how embarrased she may have be about asking her mam for pads/tampons. what i would also say is that sometimes you can hold discharge for quite a while before you if truth be told start your periods but my sister did start at 12 too though so anyway...
1. basically it adjectives comes down to preference of what you're more comfortable with. i would recommend tampons. use one beforehand school, change it straight after. you probably lone need 3 a day approx, depending on how creamy you are. just make sure u rob it out before bed.
2. unless people jump in your backpack often and look around, it'l be pretty easy. jsut put them in an inside pocket or something.
3.dont verbs about the 'stealing' part, im sure your mam wont see it resembling that. just tell her u be just too embarrased to ask her or tell her.when i first get my period i burst into tears just out of the certainty that i wasn't expecting it. so u might have a similar reaction. i started mine at 14 and it have gotten to the point where i thought it wud never
4. again it depends on how comfortable u surface. i would wear a tampon to be on the safe side, if u really do feel that u may start ur period soon. and take it out straight afterwards. if u dont want to wear a tampon i would suggest sitting this one out until u know whether u are starting or if u do. if u wear a pad, empire might see it underneath ur swimming costume. it all comes down to personal preference and staying past the worst. this includes sex. i would recommend that u do speak to someone older about this who ur close to, because later you can get information about sex too and how to avoid it and save avoid it, just be safe. i realise u are one and only 12, but i would say the same to my sister. in actuality i would probably say it in a harsher track than that lol. hope this helped. Eloise x

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there is no set amount of times for blood to come out every afternoon
it just comes whenever
just stick them surrounded by the bottom of your backpack
no one will no unless people walk through it and if they do tell them to stop, it's your backpack not theirs
you shouldn't be wearing pads if you haven't gotten your time yet because that's just wasting pad
and just tell her. be approaching mom i started my period and then if you want you can speak about her that you've been taking her pads and wearing them even though you didn't want to until now
and no! do not wear a tampon
you're too young, you haven't even started even so
you should wait at least a few months after you grasp it to start wearing them
and even after you have had it for a while you should not wear one when you're not on your spell because it will hurt to take out

It's be almost two months since I've have my regular 3 daytime time of year. Advice PLEASE!?

1: your period should be 5 to 7 days, somtimes if you have it the first time its like 3-4 days for 2 times a mounth
2:hide them surrounded by a small kipper-or in a littel bag and kip up in your bag
3:Just notify your mom & she'll be calm and supply u everytime u have your spell
4:First of all if you had your term it would stop in the water but after your done swiming you own to have a quick alteration


i'm glad to help



Question around tampons?

1. it is a continuous flow, not several stops and starts
2. put it in a zipper compartment. or buy a pencil luggage or one of those things and sneak it in there.
3. hunny, your spell might still be 2 years away. many girls experience discharge for 2 years before a interval begins. lay off the pad a little :) and your mom probably notices the missing pad :)
4. don't wear a tampon. it can be dangerous if you are not actually have a period. not to mention, tampons are PAINLESS when you are bleeding, but PAINFUL to pull out when you are not (because they are dry, not moist next to blood).

you seem to be under the synopsis that it will happen any minute. it could be days, weeks, months, years still. when it happens, you will identify in plenty of time to grab a wad or tampon :)

and tell your mom. you and your antics are too cute, and i'm sure she will think so too!

Should I be worried?

I wouldn't wear a tampon untill you are used to have your period . You need to narrate your mom about it to. You shouldn't be wearing pads untill you bring your period. When you get it only wipe yourself and used somthing in replacement for a pad instead. Just put the wad in a little case at the bottom f your backpack-no one should go in your daypack anyways. Do NOT wear tampons without your mom knowing. It is also paingful to wear one for no reason. You own no reason to worry in the region of your period untill you get it so stop wearing pad fornow untill you get it.

Why wasnt it correct?

1 you bleed constant for the whole week morning and dark
2 buy a spare pencil case or box
3 its hard to report your mom i understand, just ask her to buy you your own pack of pad to keep in your room surrounded by case it happens, narrate her its something your friends have mentioned they do.
4 don't worry something like the tampons yet,, has you haven't started your time you don't need them, i wouldn't recommend you use them for the first few months until you understand your cycle and how heavy/light you are. afterwards don't use a tampon swimming until you are 100% ccomfortable with them

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well first of adjectives you need to tell your mom roughly your period so she can get you some of your own pad. wen you have a period it last like the whole year and sometimes at nite so if its ur time of the month wear a pad all the time. DO NOT WEAR A PAD WEN YOU GO SWIMMING. feel about how noticable and kind of gross seeing a babe walking out of a pool with a heavy diaper. Tampons would work but make conversation to your mom. You don't really need to have a conversation purely tell her to pick u up some pads while she's at the store. For the cramping transport tylenol,advil, or motrin. they all work just fine

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