Can drinking alchol bring in you own an abortion?


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I hate to say "without doubt not" since it's been reported in the literature, but it's a really unpromising way to go something like it. As in, the amount you'd have to drink is of late as likely to kill you as it is the babe-in-arms. Planned Parenthood provides very economical and confidential abortion services for people, so don't do anything dumb and desperate.

Don't gain me wrong, drinking to excess is *really* bad for the baby, mainly in the first trimester. But it's not like have a glass of wine before you know you were pregnant is going to have any nouns to whether you miscarry or anything.

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No. For 2 reasons...First, abortion is a medical procedure and what you're attempting to describe would be a miscarriage which is a natural frequency. Second, alcohol will not cause you to have a miscarriage (or abortion). However, it can organize to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome the symptoms of which include mild to very severe physical and mental handicaps.

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No it can't.

if you want an abortion, just set up an appointment. they're REAL confident and even though i personally don't recomend it- if you need it achieve it =/

drinking alcohol will only damage the kid, maybe resulting in still born/miscarriage.

(like you'll still hold to birth it- it won't come out like an abortion xD)

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Drinking alcohol can't make you hold an abortion, however, wire hangers and hot tubs do the trick. If you MUST use alcohol to own an abortion, pour some 151 directly into your uterus. But I wouldn't reccomend it.

Please give a hand me? Miserable? PMS?

Are you serious? You are obviously too young to be have sex if you do not know the difference of having a miscarriage and having an abortion. Keep your pant on!!

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No, but if you drink heavily during pregnancy your baby will be born with fetal alcohol syndrome. Why would you do that to a child?

What should I do? Please aid!?

no, freshly damages the child as it's brain is developing and then can come out with an alcohol addiction if you drink alot

What the poo is it!should I be worried?

not individual could it make you have one but it could really **** up the existence of the child. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, look it up.

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