Burn object wishes sustain, how to contact charities and other resources?

My aunt was burnt from the waist up surrounded by front and we are having a hard time paying for things approaching pain meds and trips back and forth to the burn center. I know in attendance are a lot of charities out there to sustain with tragedies like this. She also have muscular dystrophy, scleraderma, seizures and a whole multitude of other problems but she hasnt qualified for disability or medicaid surrounded by the past which that would help us tremendously if she did. I am taking full keeping of her now since Wednesday this happened... she come home to continue care ultimate night so she was contained by the burn center 4 days total. I have to drive to Charleston every 3 days (90 miles) over the next few months and she'll own more surgeries over the next year if not longer as in good health. So I just wonder what my next move should be beside money. How do I contact charities? How could I possibly set up a fund for her? Do you think she will now qualify for elected representatives benefits? Or at least temporarily? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Bigger breasts?

How weak is she? This is really tough. There are agencies out there that can help but they will individual help if she meets confident standards, like a low enough income. The muscular dystrophy group surrounded by your area might have answers. Also, how be she burned? If it's not her fault, she should be covered. good luck!


I believe you can set up a fund for her through your local guard

I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through and I wish you the best!

Period and Itch HELP?

She can report for Social Security disability, but it takes time.
You should talk to the county and hospital travel case workers they can and will refer you to the correct agencies.

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