How long will it help yourself to for the birth control to see contained by your body??

im new with birth control pills how long will it pilfer for them to actually be working in your body

Do antibiotics render birth control pills useless?

if you are a day-1 starter, you are protected hastily.

if you start any other day, you are protected after 1 week.

the person who said it induces abortion is wrong. she is thinking of the possibility that the pill may not allow a fertilized egg to attach to the uterine bin liner. this technically is not an abortion, as there never was an established pregnancy. however, the pill works by preventing ovulation.

Whats contained by a rape apparatus?

you should NEVER cart that vile stuff. NEVER. does your doctor let you in on the little illegal that it is an abortificant? if it doesnt prevent conception then it goes to its vertebrae up method of aborth the tiny child in your womb by flushing it out with the uterine inside layer. the doctor wont tell you unless you directly ask and then he may fabrication...they get kickbacks for pushing the pill.
dont believe me? bid the pharmesutical companies i have...tell them i said hi.

Abdominal gas and discomfort, constantly?

One week for pregnancy protection.
Up to 3-4 months formerly your body regulates itself and for you to figure out if it is the right birth control for you.

How do you brand your own reusable tampons?

one month. but i'd look it up.

Where is the g-spot exactly?

one cycle

Ughh time of year sustain =D?

a month

Advise for Hysterectomy surgery?

White discharge for ONE week?
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Is it possible to catch your length twice surrounded by a month?
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