I pee my pant?

i wet my pants when i chuckle
if i do kegel exercises everyday how long would it take for it to go away?

and how several reps do u recommend a day?

please help me! its so embarassing

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Leaking urine when laughing sneezing or lifting is call stress incontinence. It's from extra pressure being put to the pelvic area. Kegels will strengthen your pelvic floor, and you should see results pretty at a rate of knots if you do them enough and correctly. Just do them at a common time later you will remember to do them, say when sitting at a stop light or doesn`t matter what you do alot of in a day. Soon it will become 2nd outlook. If they don't help then see your doctor at hand are meds they can prescribe.

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It varies, i suppose. Kegal is a great exercise to do, however. Make sure you are doing it right by checking when you urinate in the bathroom. If you are competent to stop the flow of urine with your pelvic muscles, then you are doing the kegal exercise right.

Just do it whenever you own time:

driving in a car, while at a stop frothy
waiting in line at the grocery store
sitting down watching TV

do it as habitually as possible, and you should see some improvement.

Am I Too Thin?

WOW, the same piece happend to me like a year ago, i couldnt control it...

your bladder needs time to ready, like mine did so i can hold it long enough to stir to the bathroom...

TIPS- get small pads and wear them everyday, and if you pee, run to the washroom and take off the wipe. your under wear will be perfectly verbs, or just bring a change of beneath wear.what i did waas put a sweater behind my but and tie it, it was so gay, never do that :P lol

Period Question/GiRlS oNlY PlEaSe/?

Have you have children?? because if you have them your vagina might of gotten too far stretched and never retracted. When this happens, you are smaller number able to hold in your pee. My mom's friend have this and she only had 2 kids and she have to get surgery to tighten it up, because it was sooo crushing to pee in your pants!

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I don't know, but don't drink to much hose if you are. Sometimes when I laugh that happens to me too, and I try not to drink to much hose. Also if I laugh to hard, I simply think "Ok, just imidatley stop, or your going to economically, yeah." xD Hope this helps, good luck!

How does a girl pee standing up??

I don't know how long it would give somebody a lift with the kegel exercises, but in the anticipate time, you ought to get some of those Poise pads if you haven't nonetheless. Don't be embarassed. It's happened to me before too usually when I start sneezing severely.

Period PAINS?

You need to exercise the muscles down there for nearly a half hour each daylight. Or until it gets tired and the rest. Each day you will find stronger and can squeeze it on and off,on and off longer.
A couple of weeks should take home a big difference.

Menstrual term relieve!?

i think it will help. Just when your going pee -the regular loving, make yourself stop, go again, stop, move about again , ect. until your done. if you do that every time you pee it will help

So when i masturbate..?

Do kegels everytime you go to the bathroom. Start peeing, stop, pee, stop, etc. Continue until you can't pee anymore.

I'm thoroughly enormously curious...?

If kegel exercises do not work you may inevitability a bladder suspension.

How regularly do women trust YA next to diagnosing pregnancy?

Bladder control talk to ur docota about it

I own an IUD everytime i hold sexual intercourse near my partner i bleed persistent is that unpromising?

it will gone more or less 2 hours

Will anyone oblige me.?

Why don't you call a doctor?

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see a doctor

Sex in the past extent?

till the exercises kick within, when u go to laugh, cover your mouth.

Had tubal - consequently two periods- immediately zilch assist!?

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Bleeding due to fingering too regularly.?
OW support!!?
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