>:( my lower back hurts >:( ! !?

my lower back hurts soooooooo bad gr omg i hate this!! what is it? it has been hurting really bad recently (past week). why? wat is it? what to do?

Period serve!!!?

I bet its a kidney problem. I had that about a week ago, hurt sooo bad. do you have these syntoms.

1. Frequently having to go to the bathroom
2. When you go to the bathroom and you're all done, does it feel like you have to go more, but you dont?
3. Lower back problems
4. hurting when you go pee.

if you had these syntoms, dont wait, go to the doctor right away! I waited because i thought that it was just like i twisted somthing in my back or slept funny and i suffered.

Ladies Advice?

It could be your period. I know you said you haven't had your first one yet, but this could be your body's way of telling you that your first one is coming. I remember that I though I had a horrible stomoch ache for a couple days before I got my first period. Some girls get aches in the thighs, others in the back, and others in the stomach. Everybody is different and your backache could very well be related to starting your first period.

But, if you're really concerned, ask a doctor. They know what to look for.

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This could be a sign your period is coming soon or something completely different. Have you done any kind of exercise u haven't done b4 ? Some foods can cause kidneys to hurt and that makes ur lower back ache. Kidneys clean our blood out so are you on any medication that u weren't on before the pain ? I have back pain but then I've had SURGERY so I know why but ur in the dark here. If this pain continues for say another week go to your doctor and he/she will run some blood tests etc to make sure all is normal. Ask for a full physical as they don't seem to do them anymore unless u ask, not like years ago when ur doctor really listened and always took ur temp, blood pressure and check ur chest and breathing with their stethoscope, now u must ask for any of these unless you have a great old fashioned family doctor. Good luck and I'm sure things should be fine. Take care.


This lower back pain can be an indication that your first period is coming soon (an example only). Some women do get a bit of cramping about a week or two before the actual period starts.

I would recommend letting your mom know what's going on as well so that she can help you keep an eye on the situation.

There alot of blood?

your period could be on its way. idk what else it could be, but it's not a kidney infection. your kidney's are located in the upper middle back, right where your ribs end (i've had kidney infections before, so i know exactly where the kidney's are lol) to me it definately sounds like your period is coming. if it doesn't come, then the only other thing i can think of is pulling a muscle in your back. that can be very painful too. you could try taking some ibuprofen. it's an anti-inflammatory medication that relieves pain. when you get your period, your muscles and uterus become inflammed from the slight contracting of the uterus and when you pull a muscle the muscle becomes inflammed from being over-stretched. just follow the instructions on the bottle and you should be fine. hope this helps!

Ok almost 14 contained by may camp surrounded by june.sex...?

This might be a sign that you're getting your period. I know that happens to me! YIKES!

Have you been playing sports or doing activities where you're crouched over? Are you overweight (not trying to offend just asking). Doing anything out of the ordinary?

Stretch out your back by doing cat stretches and/or lying on your back and hugging your knees. You can also lie on your stomach and prop yourself up on your elbows to stretch it out. Sometimes doing abs/lower back exercises will help avoid injuries like this.


Hello Coary TM Hey go see your doctor you might be having your period. Did you do anything before you hurt your back. Have you every had kidney problems that can have lower back pain and that hurt to. So go see your doctor Now tell your mother to take you to the doctors. Do you know that if you don't get your kidney Stones check it can kill you that is the second cause of death to people My sister had one my step-father had three and I had one kidney stones. Walter P P.S. e-mail me back and tell me you went to the doctor yesterday www.walterpenton17(a)yahoo.com O have you been bleeding blood threw your pee.

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Your lower back could be hurting for a number of reasons. Do you work a lot or lift things a lot? Try this. Get a towel, dampen it a little and pop it in the microwave for ever how long it warm enough for your comfort level. Then lay down and put the towel under your lower back. It will loosen the muscles and might take some pain away. Just make sure you watch how you lift things if you are. Don't lift with your back. Lift with your legs and hold boxes or whatever you lift close to your body. good luck..

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Mine does too, for me it is a strength imbalance. I have relatively strong abs compared to my lower back. My reccomendation for you and mysefl is back extensions and supermans.Basically you lie on your stomach and lift feet and arms like your flying like superman.Do this until it burns and than do it two more times. For backextensions you need a back extensuion bench, and if you get to a gym you might as well do some deadlifts too. Look up technique. This should strengthen the muscles that surround your lower spine and help keep them stable.


My first advice to you is to go and see a gynecologist. The pain maybe a warning of you starting your first period (congratz!!), but usually the first period doesnt hurt at all...

You seem to have slight symptoms of 'polycystic ovaries'.
Here's a link to know more about it : http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/womenshealth/...

Or it may be due to kidney problems. Just go see your Doctor. Better be safe than sorry, eh?

What's your first length story? Did you do anything special when you found out you get it?

If u havnt started it yet then u probobly r sonn then. I know a few months before I started I was getting a bunch of cramps & my stomach hurt. U do not just get cramps in your vagina u also get them in your lower back 2 & some women more than others. It could also b if u r carrying heavy things like if your carring a heavy backpack.

To girls mind if you are uncircumcised?

It's a period thing.

Oh hun,it's because it's like a cramp,but not in the abdomenal area,so you might be getting your period soon.

But,if you get really concerned,go to a doctor,and xcheck your kidneys.

Lay on your back,put a warm cloth over the spot,put a hot watter bottle over it,and lay down and relax,watch some TV.

If not then use Ice.


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You need to talk to one or more of your parents about how bad and how long you have had this. You should go to the doctors if it has been hurting you for a week. It could be something serious, then again it could be something minor too. But you do need to go to have it checked out. For now try very hot baths, and or a heating pad, see if that will help a little bit. Hope you feel better soon...

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Ice can help pretty well, especially when you alternate with heat. Ice for 20 mins., then after an hour heat for 30 mins. if needed. Periods don't normally hurt this much. We need more details from you. Where in the back does it hurt? What were you doing when it started hurting? What is relieving the pain, even if it's a little bit.

I own a cross-examine something like discharge...FEMALES ONLY PLZ!?

Yea, it could be cramps honey. I had lower back pain before I got my first period... And then, every month for the past six and a half years.Otherwise, it could be from sleeping in a weird position or it could be a muscle strain or something.

Ok this one might nouns alittle crazy but...?

most deff growing pains. i had these too, when my right side grew too fast for my muscles to catch up, and so they made immense pain everytime i slightly moved my back or even my right leg. just apply heated pressure, and take it easy for about 2 weeks. if it persists, see ur doc,

hope it helped and goodluck

matthew :)

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If your lover back hurts like that then your probubly getting close to having your first period. my first one hurt so bad a sat there and cried. what i would do is take tylenol, asprin, or some other pain killer to make the pain go away before it gets too bad.

My stomach is rock easier said than done why im not pregnant?

they are periods.I dont know what else it could be??!!I think PERIODS,because my backbone (bacside)hyrts really much.It happens when the periods are coming.Thats a sign of it that they are on its way..and,um.
By the way each people is diffrent.some people and some
Hope helps u!

What is going on next to my cycle?? (TMI)?

You could be getting ready to start your period! Thats what happened to me about a week before i started. U may also have a kidney or bladder infection and need to go see a doctor.

Good Luck!

Randi Jadeā™„

How do you know?


Is it true?

It could be your first period. My first one was really bad like that. If it's not that you might want to go to a chiropractor, and get it checked out.


not being funny, but are you petite and have large breast? If so ask your doc about it, if you are small and have large breast, most people don't realize how much weight they are carrying around. feel better

Girls merely ...?

It could be a kidney problem (infection, stones,...ect..). You could also be starting your first period soon or pulled a muscle in your lower back or strained it. I would go to the doctor and get it checked out.

How do i communicate my mother.?

try drinking lots of water (64oz) a day, and try rinking cranberry juice, also you may just need to have your mom rub you back because carrying a huge book bag at school can cause strain on your lower back

Please answer?

Could be a kidney problem. Go to a doctor for a check up. He can do a urine test to determine if it's your kidneys.

Birth Control?

probably periods. have you had discharge, and stuff like that if u have probably 1'st periods.

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maybe when your on the computer or sitting you posistion yourself funny and slouch
that happens alot to me
or your kidneys
see a dr

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I can be your period you might be gitting close so keeep thoughs pad/tampons close!

What meds can i nick for really doomed to failure cramps?

I think your period might be on it's way!

Good luck!

I hold a crampy, bloated, upset stomach, how do i obtain rid of it?

i have that too! but put your hands on your lower back and then push your but forward until you hear a crack. it really akes you feel better!! hope this helps

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well if you haven't started your first one, then maybe it's coming...my lower backs hurts like that every time before i get my period

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