Sex within Water? Safe near condom??

Me and my boyfriend are practicing safe sex, we were wondering if condoms mesh capably with water. I hold been reading that the condom could slip off, or the inbred lubes will wash away I even read that water rushing up within my vagina could damage my insides and could be deadly.. Now.. Im dated enough to know the precautions, I have never hear of harmful sex in sea. There are alot of intelligent people on here.. any help or direction would be nice! Thanks!!

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sex in water is not as graceful as it looks in movies and stuff. First, if the water is cold, he may own a problem :P Otherwise, the water washes your lubricant away and make it tougher. Do the foreplay in the water and amass the action for the pool edge (out of the water), it's fun! Either opening sounds like you are safe so experiment and wallow in!

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You are not to get in the tub near water running and let the wet hit ur vaginia, it goes into the vagina with force and cause damage. Some women use to masterbate this way, they would lay spinal column and spread their legs and let the running water hit them and we in a minute know not to do that. Just make sure after sex in tub u stand up and agree to any water come out. some will get within the vagina and I just don't think it is pious to do it alot. It would be like douching I think.

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First of adjectives I have never heard of the dampen being deadly rushing into your vagina. Second of adjectives water sex can still get you pregnant and its not guaranteed the condom will stay on your best bet is to bring back the pill. Oh and never have your boyfriend blow into your vagina it can cause an embelism and you can die. That is the truth be in motion look it up.

I havent gotten my time of year for 3 months and not preagnat!!?

Its normally fine. Maybe a slightly greater risk of the condom coming off - but its small. You won't die, the marine wont rush up inside. You will feel pretty intense, especially if its in the vast end of a pool where your foot cant touch bottom while he does it.

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the water might make you more dry and inflict friction and condom come off-as long as your not using high pressure with water-its no problem

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