Pregnant next to Second Baby Very Bad Incontinence?

Before I had my first baby I have no problem with my bladder now after have her when im sick and cough urine comes out and sometimes involuntary. Now that im pregnant again only 7 weeks I feel resembling an old lady of 80ish that cant hold on to her bladder. It doesn't give support to that im sick and coughing like crazy but every time I do it squirts out and its so depressing and sometimes im walking and it comes out and i dont even know. Has anyone experienced such incontenance and i haven't even delivered this babe yet. Whats gonna happen when i deliver the considering c section. HELP

Ladies: Question more or less the Pill?

The same thing happen to me. Everytime I coughed, sneezed, or laughed I would have to transform drawers. It was really embarrassing I started wearing regular other pads so it wouldn't soak my pants. If it is getting rediculous I would discuss it w/your doctor. Hope I help! =)

Chicken Fillets?

Ur not coughing up urine, if u are, see a doctor. But it is probably phlem. Don't worry about ur bladder, the babe-in-arms is just putting pressure on it

SeX!!! I AM ONLY 13?

this happens to adjectives women after they have a baby, and im not sure nearby is any way to revers it. it happens because of the pressure ur first infant put on ur bladder, and then with the birth beside all the pushing u did (if it was natural) after that weakens ur bladder as well. immediately with it being weakend from the first birth and a up to date baby, its just lower than more pressure and strain. u can buy panty liners that r made just for bladder spinelessness so u dont need to worry something like it all the time. just remember this is adjectives natural. and also, its not a good belief to have a c section if u dont involve one for a medical reason, it creates breathing problems for ur baby becase the unprocessed birth compresses the lungs of it as it comes out allowing it to adapt to the environment and breathe quicker

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