How can i craft myself sick?

seriously sick? i dnt wanna go to skool tomorrow or the next daylight


Face your problems.
Wait until you get into the real world.
There is no hiding.

Women I necessitate your facilitate (gyno issue!)?

Go to this site... it help me alot!

OR if you wanna actually feel horrible you want:
an onion (small or half)

chop up onion into not that big but not that small chunks, put it in a glass full of milk ann check out of outisde the fridge the night before
drink and puke!


Put 1 cup of Orange liquid and 1 cup of milk in a cup and mix it together. Drink it as fast as possible, put your director between your knees and wait to puke.
If you don't have Orange liquid you can just eat close to 3 oranges and then drink a cup of milk.

Hope this helps and dutiful luck!

Getting your breasts examined by the doctor?

Eh, you're better off going to school and getting it out of the instrument; and if you want to skip school badly satisfactory, you don't need to fake sickness to do it.

Whats the best birh control pill?

what crap. a short time ago go to school. i've knowledgeable my lesson. I used to be a near-truant becuase i faked sick so often. in a minute it aint so funny

Tell me if theres anything wrong.?

Gotta go to school, it's essential for your adjectives. That's what Senior skip day is for. Plus it's not healthy to breed yourself sick.


Making yourself sick is not the answer. You have to face the facts and dance to school. Sorry!

OMG! Please comfort me! Girls Only! FAST!?

drink a little poison, or purely go to school.


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