My mom is buying me a bra right presently?

Im at home right now, and she is at wal*mart.
To get her to dream up I needed one I said, "Mum, It was so gross when MiMi said that I got boobs" Then she said " Well to sort you look flat I will get you a bra right now" And I said " Can it be black with skulls on it??" She said "Well, I dont know if they own any but okay." So Now she is at wal*mart right now, And my brother is with her. Im worried when she brings it home, What do I do?! I never even wore one before! How do you put it on? Also if you can, Tell me what you did when you got your first bra. Thank you SO MUCH.:)
I know im too younge, but I am on my aunts information.
Also, My boobs are kinda big, maybe like an inch and a partly.

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well my first bra i put it on and it felt really strange
if its one with clips at the back it might be easyer to do them up and verbs it over your head.
if you need relieve just ask your mum she did the same will be fine it just takes some getting used to

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There is a clip on the final where you hook.
But you can leave it hooked up and put it over, That is what i did till i get use too wearing one.
My first bra was the end of fourth echelon.
When i got my first bra i was positive, because you could wear any kind of shirt and not worrying about your "boobs" showing!
The best compassionate of bra is the one that you can take off the straps .
That is the quality i wear.
Your enjoy it & it will be a memory!

Girl interview!?

I was lucky!!... i have my cousin! Ummm... what i did though is asked my cousin... ask your mom... she would definitely know! GOOD LUCK!

P.S. Your lucky your mom didn't make you come next to you when she bought it... my mom did and it was EMBARRASSING!

My boobs own be really achey lately. I am truthfully sure it's not my bra, because the are not sore where on earth the

Lol, okay, well, if she get you a sports bra just put it on over your head similar to a tee-shirt. If it's a regular bra, it's easiest to do the clips at the back of it, and then verbs it over your head.

hmm, i got my first bra approaching 4 years ago? My mom got me like 10 sports bras that I could just wear cause the straps would show, but I went into the bathroom and put the first one on. and after I walked around the house, and then I switched to a different one and walk around the house and got all self conscious when I played dart with my dad and little bro. lol, good times, accurate times.

it's nice you could ask yoru mom about that kinda thing-- my mom would kill me if I bought my own bras, and I can't ask her to get hold of me any... so right now I have a total of one...

Hope you enjoy fun =P

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