
I used to have white discharge, now on my undie their is other a yellow/brown coloring, like yellow/brown discharge, is this bad?

Help please!?

you shouldn't enjoy any discharge that color unless you're having your period (that's the solitary time it should be brownish). If there is a strong smell or a yeast smell (think baking bread) then you might want to check near you gyno because you could have a yeast or bacterial infection. clear and white-ish discharge is normal, approaching snot (gross I know but that's the easiest way to equate it) it shouldn't be thick any like cottage cheese. again a sign of infection which your gyno can clear up quick.

Is bleeding after sex.[about 6 hours after].Is it a sign of pregnancy?

Nopers,its adjectives normal. :]

It's just you body preparing itself for your interval.

I can't come across to "insert" tampons.?

I think its just conventional and it means your preparing for your period! congrats!

Question roughly sex.. first time?

When i go to the doctors they never confirmed my pregnancy.?
I didn't achieve my term till I be 15, is this why I own smaller boobs?
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