Blader infection ??!!is it ? and wat to do plz sustain?

my sister thinks she has a bladder infection because she have been going to the bathroom a lot to pee and she say after she pees it hurts a bit and she feels she has to pee some more !! any suggestions on wat it could be and how to cure it ? i will aprreciate that profoundly ... she is afraid like hell from docs so its kind of her finishing resource for now .. plz help

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The doctor is the ONLY resource when you own a UTI. Antibiotics are the only way to do away with an established UTI...which it sounds like she has.

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First of adjectives, none of us are your text buddies; please learn sentence structure and how to use the spelling checker and ancestors will take you more seriously.

Secondly; tell your "sister" that women get hold of bladder infections from everything from not wearing panties, to poor bathroom hygiene, to holding their urine, to drinking to much soda and not enough water.

Third, over-the-counter medicine and home remedies like cranberry juice & pills will treat the sypmtoms, but singular a prescribed anti-biotic will cure the infection. {The key word here is infection!} You're going to have to see the Doctor on this one!

Tired adjectives the time??

Well, it particularly sounds like a bladder infection and it is VERY painful contained by most cases. I've had one myself so I know. Best thing to do is jump to the nearest drugstore or walmart or windixie and buy a product called AZO it's in a white and red box beside black writing and it'll take away the pain until you can obtain her a doctor's appointment, where he will give her antibiotics that relieve the aching and make the infection go away =] devout luck!

What would you ruminate if...?

well i used to get bladder infections adjectives the time when i was little.
so bad that i hold to have test done where on earth they put all kinds of tubes and cameras up in attendance to see if anything was wrong.
so im very adapted with this.
tell your sister to put vasiline down in attendance,
it should relieve any discomfort,
as well as take away some of the burn/sting
tender it about 2 days to clear itself up,
she should be ok
hope i helped=]

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That's what it sounds like. Tell her to drink several eyeglasses of water right now. Go to the store (Pharmacy) and capture cranberry pills. Take like 3 or 4 of them each time she eat. Do it for several days. They also sell over the counter pain meds. Uristat. That help with the burning and the need to pee. Keep drinking! Keep taking the cranberry pills!! I get hold of infections once in a while and this always works for me. If she starts have pain in her vertebrae or a fever, go to the dr.

How do you?

Go to the Dr. Yes sounds as if it is a UTI (urinary tract infection) It must shift on for awhile for it to go into the bladder.
Drink lots of water, get through cranberries, but seriously, she needs antibiotics. No reason to misgivings the Dr. for him to prescribe pills.

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Go to CVS and buy a UTI home test kit. They are almost 12 dollars. Or go to another leading drug store. If she dose enjoy one she will continue to be in headache until its resolved. Good luck and kudos for being a great sis..

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yes, sounds like a urinary tract infection. she requests to go to the doc and get some antibiotics to hold it from spreading to her kidneys. all that they will need to do at the doctor's organization is to do a urinte testt (pee in a cup).

How to carry...those bigger lol?

it is a common bacterial infection contained by women. she needs to go to the doctor basically to get some antibiotic. do not wait! it will one and only get worse and more painful. you can't treat your self.

Periods enjoy be getting.strange? (Repost)?

she may own a Urinary Tract Infection, if she does then she needs to step to the doctor so they can give her anti-biotics. tell her to drink LOTS of river and cranberry juice

How can you bring back pregnant from have sex while on your extent?

Have her drink cranberry juice or help yourself to cranberry concentrate capsules. It works wonders.

WTH, women influence they get the impression re energized after masturbating?

drink lots of water and lots of cranberry liquid. see a doctor.

Does anyone hold some great websites something like period?

i think she probaly is masturbating for her first times cuz when i first did that happend to me

Period every two weeks. Normal?

What are the symptoms of UTI?

Not everyone with a UTI have symptoms, but most people get at most minuscule some symptoms. These may include a frequent urge to urinate and a painful, burning feeling surrounded by the area of the bladder or urethra during urination. It is not unusual to feel unpromising all over—tired, shaky, washed out—and to quality pain even when not urinating. Often women feel an self-conscious pressure above the pubic bone, and some men experience a fullness in the rectum. It is common for a personage with a urinary infection to complain that, despite the urge to urinate, only a small amount of urine is passed. The urine itself may look milky or cloudy, even flushed if blood is present. Normally, a UTI does not cause fever if it is within the bladder or urethra. A fever may mean that the infection have reached the kidneys. Other symptoms of a kidney infection include pain within the back or side below the ribs, nausea, or vomiting.

How is UTI treated?

UTIs are treated with antibacterial drugs. The choice of drug and length of treatment depend on the patient's history and the urine test that identify the offending bacteria. The sensitivity test is especially adjectives in helping the doctor select the most effective drug. The drugs most commonly used to treat routine, uncomplicated UTIs are trimethoprim (Trimpex), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra, Cotrim), amoxicillin (Amoxil, Trimox, Wymox), nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin, Furadantin), and ampicillin (Omnipen, Polycillin, Principen, Totacillin). A class of drugs called quinolones includes four drugs approved in recent years for treating UTI. These drugs include ofloxacin (Floxin), norfloxacin (Noroxin), ciprofloxacin (Cipro), and trovafloxin (Trovan).

drink lots of cranberry liquid you can even buy cranberry pills and take AZO Standard pill found at local drug store will help near synptoms!!

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