Recurring Sore Throat and Ear Ache?

I went to the doctor in Jan beside a sore throat and ear ache. He gave me antibiotics. It seem work I think, but it has be on and off since then. He give me more antibiotics 2 weeks ago and I just finished them. It hurt 2-3 times during the 3 weeks. I don't have any other symptoms. Usually the sore throat and ear smarting has been on the gone side, butr a few times on the right side. I just had xrays today, and am seeing him again thursday. Has anyone else have this? What do you think could be wrong?

Lady Problem please back !!?

Could be an inner ear thing and throat entry at the same time. Could be this major flu that's going around that can second up to 6 weeks or so. Could be sinus, allergy, or a few other things. Maybe you need a different medication, some don't work as well on some nation as they do others.

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You may have a sinus affection also. It is said the ears, nose, and throat are related, so conceivably they'll give you some antibiotics that would treat all three. I hope you win better soon!

Can you draw from breast implant that will concluding your in one piece duration?

i sounds like it's just a cold!

grasp better~Alex

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