How can you seize pregnant from have sex while on your extent?

i mean the egg is flushed out with the blood, so how can you acquire pregnant? there's no egg to fertilize.

For females...?

actually, it is rare to procure pregnant during your period, but not because the egg is "flushed" out. The egg actually stays hard by the ovary until it is fertilized and then moves into the fallopian tube and thence to the uterus, if it is not fertilized, then it of late breaks down and is absorbed. However, on rare instant, the sperm will swim quite determinedly against the flow and if one of the ovaries was delayed surrounded by releasing an egg, and it is still viable, pregnancy is possible, but very unlikely.

Do you cogitate I should ask my mum if I can run on the pill to relief regulate my extent?

Sperm can live in the vagina for days so you can take pregnant even days after having sex even though the rates drop significantly after the first 24 hours. Also, a new egg is released respectively month, so especially if you have an irregular period, it is terrifically difficult to predict which days of the month you won't get pregnant. Go on the pill if you don't want kids, natural domestic planning is why super-religious families have 10 kids.


because within could be an extra egg released waiting in the falopian tubes. Sperm swims up to the falopian tube and the egg is fertalised and then travels to the womb and settles.

Sperm can also live within a woman's body for up to 5 days. you definately can get pregnant during your period freshly not as high a risk.

What's wrong beside me?!?!?!?

Sperm can live in your fallopian tubes for up to 5 days and still be viable. Also if you own a very healthy "swimmer" it can move about against the grain and make its agency up there. Also not all women ovulate on a abiding "set" schedule. Otherwise there would be no such entity as twins etc. You can ovulate more than once in a month and it doesn't have to be at one and the same time. And I give a thumbs UP to answerers above me. I don't understand why trolls come within and thumb down everyone's answer that are CORRECT and then leave.

Any explanation?

through your have your menstrual you dont know when you ovalute, it could be the first day or the last so it defes form women to women. so theys still a possibility you could win pregnant if the egg has not be flushed away and the sperm comes in conntact wit the the egg.

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The egg may not be flushed even so. It is in the process of flushing. It sticks to the walls of your uterus and when the sperm comes in, it starts the babe. You don't know if it is flushed out until your period is over and then a clean egg is ready for action.

What's going on near me?

Yes, but at what point during your time is the egg flushed out? You can easily become pregnant on you period unhappily. Until the egg is gone, the sperm can fertilize it, then it won't be flushed out.

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It's not likely that you'll bring back pregnant during your period. BUT if you have sex in the vicinity the end of your period, and the sperm lives for 5-7 days, and you ovulate rash, you could possibly get pregnant.

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Because the sperm can still be in near and then there's a new egg and voila...pregnant. Don't seize fooled by the whole "period" thing. First of adjectives that's just.gross. And secondly, you can STILL get pregnant.

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it's RARE but it can begin because sperm can live for a few days to a week in some cases so once your period is over, if another egg releases, it can be fertilized.

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i hear you're the most fertile after ur period goes past its sell-by date and like everybody says sperm can live surrounded by ur body for like up to a week or so

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