Periods enjoy be getting.strange? (Repost)?

My periods have be, for lack of a better word, strange for the past several months. Back around Thanksgiving, I have a 23 day cycle, and my period last over a week, when usually it lasted about 3 days. I go to the gyno, and she really didn't see anything of concern--said it was probably stress. She said if that kept happening, she'd command an ultrasound. Well, my cycles have been varying surrounded by length since then, and last month I have another 23 day cycle, right before my programmed annual check-up. My pap came back common, and she again said it was probably stress (which I said is possible--my kids have be horrible sick this winter, plus I had the class from hell.).

Now for the past 2 months, my length lasts for 3 days, stops, then starts up again beside cramping for another 1-3 days. Could this really just be stress, or should I be pushing for an ultrasound? Also, don't know if it matters, but I'm 39.


I other own brutal cramp during and after sex.?

If you are 39, you are nearing the age where on earth hormones start to fluctuate. After years of fluctuations, this is followed by menopause. However, this could last for years. Any changes within hormones can change your periods, and yes, stress can induce these change by themselves. However, you should rule out cysts on your ovaries that could be causing excessive ovulation and hormone fluctuations or uterine lining problems such as endometriosis. Probably a virtuous idea to go ahead and find the ultrasound just to be sure. Otherwise, don't worry and if you want to straighten it out try birth control. Stress can really own a LOT to do with it, but you are also nearing the age of pre-menopause where you fluctuate normally for years (my mom has been fluctuating since she turned 40 and is very soon 49 and still fluctuating).

Skipped my length for 2 months-not sexuly live?

Yes stress can effect your periods and the length of them . However, the certainty that you have been have this problem for a while and now you have period starting and stopping (called break through bleeding) it is screaming that it is time to go and see your Dr again.

It is time to ask for further tests (not merely an ultrasound either) to be undertaken. It could be as simply as an infection or it could be any other number of things. Either way, you must not play next to your health.

If your Dr says it isn't needed, ask for a second judgment.

Take Care and Good Luck

Am i prgnant??!!?!?

hi,dont worry,your period is run of the mill ,the period cycles have tons diffrent in women or even in one women within different age some girls have hormonal embalance in different mount and result surrounded by changes period and this is common for example may be you have sppoting befor or after your period or some times your extent become 3days and some times 9-10 days ,then we underestand period relationship to masses factors:hormonal embalance,estres,illness,diet,etc. but you by means of access of prscaution do ultrasound for your trust,dont have esteres.bye ,zhila

I have my finishing term on the 4th april and i have sex around the 22nd? I enjoy cramps and inkling pallid head.?

U say, the Gynec didn't see any article of the concern and it may be due to stress. The doctor is cent percent right. The doctor will check only if there is no length. U do have your periods. Irregularity may be the grounds of tension or the food habits. Make your husband aware to hang on to u in joy. Don't give/carry unnecessary tension. Keep your self calm and cool. Drink cold water 10 to 12 eyeglasses per day.

What's the entitle of the birth control that allows individual 3 period a year?

Stress can really mess up your periods. I be on my period for over a 4 weeks last year!

If you're worrying in the region of it, you should probably push for an aultrasound - better be safe than sorry. Plus, they'll never get posterior to normal if you keep worrying give or take a few them! It's a vicious circle!

Good luck :)

Ortho Evra Birth control patch and spotting?

It COULD be just stress, but you're going to continue to be stress until you know for sure. Push for the ultrasound, and if it comes wager on negative for everything, you're stress level will drop, and conceivably you can get your periods hindmost to normal.

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Stress can really MESS it up! Try not to be stressed...don't worry, agree to it be.

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maybe you're starting the change?

Ok this is going to nouns gross and embarassing.Help?

heres an interesting story i'm 15 and ultimate year my periods were up to three weeks at a time beside a one week break for maybe 5 months.I got intensely very sick(I had anemia),my iron level where so low i had to be hospitlised for four days and i have 3 blood transufsions in one night!It be horriable,before i had the transfusions i be shakey,dizzy,very pale,deeply very lathagic,and my temperature be high.My advice is to hold iorn supplements and vitimun C (you need the vitimun C to help your body absorbe the iorn).But you will most probabley be fine lol.

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