Why is the uterus removed?

Why do people have to remove their uterus? What are the possible reason for this?

I enjoy no notion wha i am doing!?

Usually it's due to excessive bleeding because of fibroid tumors later in vivacity. If you don't ever have a baby, this can catch worse, but if you do have a few children it will be less of a problem.

Some doctors do not remove the uterus, they treat bleading problems next to birth control pills, which can shrink the benign tumors.

The only other reason is uterine cancer, or something serious.

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I have mine taken out at 23 because I had so many problems that I be severely depressed trying to deal with them. Get rid of the wreak, get rid of the problems, get rid of the stress altogether. Others own it done to prevent pregnancy late in existence, and others do it because they simply have problems.

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My mom had her's removed because she be extremely anemic (sp?). After the doctor had tried several things to help capture her iron level up, they suggested she remove her uterus. My mom really didn't care because she have no intention of having anymore kids. It helped her iron level a little bit.

Okay... i hold bled 3 times after sex anyone know why?

Had mine removed with my cervix (hysterectomy) because I have serious bleeding in my cervix and it was within a pre-cancerous stage. No point retaining the uterus if the cervix had to go anyway. Not because I didn't want to business deal with periods.

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Its call an abdominal hysterectemy. you can have a tumor in your uterus, diseases, pelvic distress, cancerous cells, pain and bleeding. Taking it out take care of any of those problems and it even stops your period.

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Most repeatedly it is done for a disease process, like cancer or endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, etc.

Women don't take out their uterus freshly to stop having babies. They would just enjoy their tubes tied!

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Some people get a HYSTERECTOMY to in recent times not deal with a spell anymore. Some do it for more serious reasons.

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There could be different reason. I had mine out because I had fibroid tumors that have been giving me problems for years. Non-cancerous...

Confusing..time of year I don`t know?

my mom, grandma and aunt had HYSTERECTOMY's because they be sick of have a period

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My mom have hers taken out because she had tumors in it =[

Period and pap smear.. AH?

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