Pain surrounded by stomach after a d&c??
I unfortunatly had to hold a d&c last wednesday 6th feb after suffering a silent miscarriage at 12 weeks!
apart from the unmistakable of the emotional side of things I be wondering if it is normal to still enjoy a stomach ache? my tummy still feel very tender and I bring sudden sharp pains going down my pelvis, I also cant lie on my stomach as it hurts to much, is this 'normal' I cant achieve a doctors appointment untill next bloody monday!! please give support to.
Answers: I've suffered the same as you - my thoughts to you
I assume you be given a course of antibiotics? If so, I can only ASSUME that it is your body settling down after such a trauma.
If you weren't given any antibiotics I would aim medical advice from your doctor or local hospital.
Hope you discern better soon x
wots a d&c? go to a all right woman clinic or demand an emergency app at the Dr. sit at hand and wait if vital. you could have an infection.
i hold had 4 d&cs and close to your self it was after miscarrining at 12 weeks adjectives of them the same every time and i did hold a little headache but i would advise you to shift to a&e if it continues because of the case of infection. sorry for your unpromising news and hang on to tring, good luck. xx On the argument that you cannot lie on your tummy I would suggest that you hold a problem go. If you really cant find an appointemtn with a GP shift to A & E, they have to see you and treat you.
Good luck.
Hope this help a little. hi
i have a d&c as well as a few other things 5weeks ago and the dr told me to scrutinize out for a smelly discharge and bleeding as this would be a sign of infection, my tum was sore for almost 2 weeks but everyones different, if your not sure ask could you speak to your nurse for some advice also run on this site and have a read. hope you discern better soon and keep your chin up.