Hi be basically wanting to ask if anyone have be diagnosed near cancer..?
Answers: I am a cancer survivor.
I just get really really sick one day and it took abundantly of tests to digit out what was truly wrong.
I had a tumor within my Kidney.
But its been over 13 years since later and I am healthy presently...I have profusely of scars though..
I don't have a sneaking suspicion that anyone wants to walk there! i have no symptons
what i did have be a cyst in my breast that the doctor could not seize rid of using all the usual non surgical methods, he even tested the cyst fluid and it come back as not cancer
so he sent me to a surgeon to enjoy it removed and when they opened me up they found that most the tissue surrounded by my breast had cancer
i be in my untimely 20s and had stage 2 category 3 cancer which blew the doctors away
they said the aggressiveness of the type i had be usually only see in much elder women
I agree with the later response. You have a uninterested tone to a very serious topic. I am sure someone might answer you but purely keep surrounded by mind this is a serious topic. If you are doing research, you need to more reputable source that yanswers- try WebMD. You can research this interrogate in tons other, more appropriate forums.
Good luck- hope you get an "A." no i havent.