What's a pap smear?


Ladies- Period Question.?

A Pap smear is a medical procedure surrounded by which a example of cell from a woman's cervix (the appendage of the uterus that extends into the vagina) is collected and spread on a microscope slide. The cell are examined below a microscope surrounded by directive to look for pre-malignant (before-cancer) or malignant (cancer) change.

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your mom.

I own no clue.
lol bye


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I regard it's a swab preview taken from the vagina, and it's used to check for cancer, infections, and doesn`t matter what other cruel crap you can carry going on in your vagina.

I'm not totally sure in the order of that though... so don't quote me or anything.

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A doctor uses a small brush to scratch cell sour your cervix (the slit to your uterus). It's done to check for HPV, which cause cervical cancer.

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In gynecology, the Papanikolaou assessment or Papanicolaou interview (also call Pap smear, Pap interview, cervical smear, or smear test) is a medical screening method, invented by Georgios Papanikolaou, primarily designed to detect premalignant and malignant processes in the ectocervix. It may also detect infections and abnormality contained by the endocervix and endometrium

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The Pap audition, also call a Pap smear, checks for change within the cell of your cervix. The cervix is the lower cog of the uterus (womb) that open into the vagina (birth canal). The Pap question paper can communicate if you own an infection, exceptional (unhealthy) cervical cell, or cervical cancer.

A Pap exam can amass your enthusiasm. It can find the earliest signs of cervical cancer - a adjectives cancer surrounded by women. If caught impulsive, the adjectives of curing cervical cancer is greatly dignified. Pap test also can find infections and uncharacteristic cervical cell that can turn into cancer cell. Treatment can prevent most cases of cervical cancer from developing.

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What is a Pap smear?
A pap smear is a tryout your doctor does to check for signs of cancer of the cervix. The cervix is fragment of your uterus (womb). During a Pap smear, your doctor take a token of cell from your cervix to be tested.

To pinch the token, your doctor will put a special instrument call a speculum into your vagina. This help unscrew your vagina so the taster can be taken. Your doctor will sympathetically verbs your cervix beside a cotton swab and later collect a taster of cell beside a small brush, a tiny spatula or a cotton swab. This taste is put on a cup slide and sent to a lab to be checked.

What is the taster checked for?
The cell on the slide are checked for signs that they're shifting from regular. Cells walk through a series of change previously they turn into cancer. A Pap smear can show if your cell are going through these change long since you own cancer. Cervical cancer is not life-threatening if it's caught hasty. This is why getting regular Pap smears is so impressive.

What do the results aim?
A distrustful Pap smear vehicle that your results are typical. A positive Pap smear manner that your results aren't common.

A positive Pap smear can be a sign of a little change surrounded by the cell on your cervix:

* Inflammation (irritation). This can be cause by an infection of the cervix, including a yeast infection, infection beside the human papillomavirus (HPV) or herpes virus, or plentiful other infections.
* Very rash signs of cancer. These change are call dysplasia.
* More serious signs of cancer. These change affect the top layer of the cervix but don't budge beyond the cervix. This is call "carcinoma in situ."
*More advanced cancer.

When should you enjoy Pap smears?
You should own your first Pap smear when you start have sex or by age 18.

Continue have a Pap smear once a year until you've have at least possible 3 conventional ones. After this, you should own a Pap smear at lowest possible every 3 years, unless your doctor think you want them more commonly. Keep have Pap smears throughout your life span, even after you've gone through menopause.

Certain things put you at highly developed risk of cervical cancer. Your doctor will consider these when recommend how regularly you should hold a Pap smear.

If you're elder than 65, chitchat beside your doctor something like how commonly you have need of a Pap smear. If you've be have Pap smears regularly and they've be distrustful, you may not entail to preserve have them.

Hope this help..

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A Pap smear is a examination your doctor does to check for signs of cancer of the cervix. The cervix is chunk of your uterus (womb). During a Pap smear, your doctor take a taster of cell from your cervix to be tested.

To help yourself to the example, your doctor will put a special instrument call a speculum into your vagina. This help break open your vagina so the taster can be taken. Your doctor will humanely verbs your cervix near a cotton swab and consequently collect a preview of cell near a small brush, a tiny spatula or a cotton swab. This taste is put on a chalice slide and sent to a lab to be checked

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if you dont know ,consequently you dont inevitability to know.
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