Are there any health professionals on here? TMI Warning!?

My symptoms: HEAVY menstrual bleeding for give or take a few a week. Then, it stopped suddenly ending dark. Today, I hadn't bled at adjectives. Then, in the order of an hour and a partially ago, I be sitting at work and be suddenly hit by a grip of severe lower abdominal/pelvic throbbing that feel so doomed to failure it reminded me of labor pains. I go to the restroom and sit down, and blood gushed out everywhere. It be bright red blood, no clots. I took 1600mg of Motrin to relieve the severe torment. Right in a minute, my tummy is somewhat tender, but not contained by agnoy. My final hurts somewhat. I own have an IUD for roughly speaking a year and a partly. My cycle have never be regular on it, and my cycles hold be heavier and more aching, although not fairly as discouraging as this time. Also, I enjoy fundamentally frequent bleeding, give or take a few 3 weeks out of every month. What is wrong next to me? No medical insurance.

While have sex next to a woman, how you can know that she is reaching and have orgasm?

You necessitate to aim medical attention in a jiffy because you can go and get impressively anemic(meaning low blood) if you lose any more than usual. The IUD can be a authentic problem for most women who use them, they can effect hefty bleeding over time. They can do complications or you can even develop cysts on the ovaries, endometriosis, and fibroids. Please see a doctor because it can be discouraging if not here untreated.

I own a slight problem :(?

You should move about to a community form clinic or something - at hand's tons of those for women within my nouns (SoCal)

Maybe you should enjoy the IUD removed and use another form of birth control.

Could you possibly enjoy be pregnant?

What be your prevalent symptoms next to polycystic ovarian syndrome?

You stipulation to receive to your OB/GYN instantly. The sudden gush of blood and sharp, on the spot throbbing could be a sign of something serious, but I cannot determine the etiology for you...please, see your doctor, better all the same, turn to ER (they typically don't charge for an ER stop by while you are here, they can bill you). Hope you have a feeling better!
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