Question for girls...?

when you own a UTI can a bit bit of blood changeably come out of your vag not the hole you pee out of the full you enjoy sex, can some blood come out of near durin a UTI is that commonplace? and i a short time ago have my spell 2 weeks ago so im pretty sure its not that.

Birth Control Question?

A Urinary Tract Infection will not wreak vaginal bleeding. It can do you to bleed from your urethra, though.

You may only just be experiencing some spotting or break-through bleeding, which is nil to be concerned roughly unless it starts to begin recurrently, within which skin you should speak to a doctor.

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yes if u get blood near a uti u should run to the doc as in a hurry as u can. They stipulation to treat u for it so the infection can clear up. Make sure u drink alot of river and cranberry liquid

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if you pee and it burns and when you wipe theres blood, next you own a uti. a moment ago incase drink plenty of cranberry liquid.

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Symptoms & Signs

[edit] For Bladder Infections
Frequent urination along next to the inkling of have to urinate even though little or no urine in truth comes out.
Nocturia: Need to urinate during the hours of darkness.
Urethritis: Discomfort or stomach-ache at the urethral meatus or a burning sensation throughout the urethra beside urination (dysuria).
Cystitis: Pain in the midline suprapubic region.
Pyuria/Hematuria: Pus or blood in urine.
Pyrexia: Mild restlessness
Discharge from the urethra.
Cloudy and foul-smelling urine
Increased confusion and associated falls are adjectives presentations to Emergency Departments for elderly patients next to UTI.
Some urinary tract infections are asymptomatic.

For Kidney Infections
The above symptoms.
Emesis: Vomiting is adjectives.
Back, side (flank) or groin agony.
Abdominal discomfort or pressure.
Shaking chills and big spiking restlessness.
Night Sweats.
Extreme Fatigue

Usually when you enjoy a uti and if it is really unpromising you can bleed from your pee hole, but not usually from your vagina hole.


usually the blood comes out next to the pee
nearby this might lend a hand...check it out
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