Anyone taking ortho tri-cyclin lo?

My doctor told me i should step on the pill because i'm prone to ovarian cysts. I haven't started them however but i basically considered necessary to know are near any side affects? will i gain mass? will my obverse clear up? and finishing will i obtain pregnant faster after taking the pills? i've be trying for years! Thanks

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If you're trying to win pregnant, you should probably chat to you doctor in the region of alternative forms of treatment. Many women do not return to fertility for months after stopping taking the pill, though that *can* depend on how long you clutch it for. I took OT Lo for 9 months and didn't ovulate for 3 months after. As for purchase counterweight, you might, though beside OT Lo in that is a lower concentration of hormones so I give attention to it might be smaller amount imagined. I didn't gain anything next to OT Lo but I gain 20 pounds on Depo Provera. And your facade may or may not clear up as ably, adjectives side effects are different for different women. My facade cleared up some, but I know race who's acne have in reality gotten worse while on the pill.

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I don't really bring back why he told you to be in motion on the pill for cysts. Wouldn't the increase in hormone formulate them grow? I'm on that pill and it's pretty well brought-up for me. You may catch pregnant easier due to the certainty that your length, when it returns, may be irregular and you may not know exactly when your ovulating. The side effects of the pill are pretty standard though you may win lucky and not enjoy any. Good Luck.
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