Can a girl get pregnant with out penetration , but having sperm around the vagina area?

my first cross-question be can a virgin go and get pregnant but family didnt seem to be to work out wat i intended .

My friend is taking the Fahrenheit Diet Pill.?

yes, if sperm is ejaculate on or around the vagina you can carry pregnant if any works its approach inside.

every month previously mensus, i wud obtain small boil prickles on my genital nouns which sometimes contains pus.?


it's not nearly as imagined, but its still technically possible.

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i own pains that are approaching time of year pains, in my uterus nouns, but i am not on, or in the neighbourhood my term.?

Yes she can!

What would inflict someone to enjoy a miscarriage?

If at hand is sperm around the vaginal nouns; yes, it is possible, but terrifically unlikely.

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Yes. any lil sperm can work its means of access surrounded by... use a condom or some form of birth control!
Good Luck... read this:

Best birth control pill to run??.?

Yes a girl can gain pregnant this opening. And she can be a 'virgin' if by 'virgin' you anticipate she hasn't be penetrated.

My vagina is popping??

Yes you can bring prego short access. All it take sometimes is one drop and thats it.

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Yes, she can. If sperm comes into contact inside the vaginal nouns, it is possible for one to seize within and formulate her pregnant.

I am have endometrial ablasion done contained by a few weeks,,contained by hospital,,merely considered necessary a moment or two feedback from others.?

not promising, but possible

Why have my body odor changed? Does it own anything to do next to purely getting elder?

yes, it could appear, but notably unlikely.


probability are she wont but she can.

I haven't have my "monthly visitor" surrounded by 2 months..not pregnant though.. what's wrong?

yes..the sperm can still progress inside minus infiltration and breed her pregnant

how and why does a females uterus flip?

Its not adjectives, but markedly not unheard of. If you meditate you are pregnant, the best method to know for sure is to obtain tested.

$100 Question?

yes even if it touches the sperm will waggle its road up... it isn't as potential though

Plz minister to, curious request for information?

yes it's possible if it's anywhere close at hand it.

My menstrual cycle?

Omg yes.even if sperm get on the sheets or something and she sits near its even possible next. Sperm lives for a while so i would be tremendously fussy roughly it.

I will be going for my first pap smear on monday. Does anyone own any proposal for me? Serious answers please.?

It is smaller quantity probable in need access, but undeniably possible. If this virgin is pregnant - childbirth is going to be a indisputable bi-tch.

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Semi asked this press yesterday?

yea... god you better not be hella youthful.
.but the sperm can progress up in that

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Yes, but I don't know how adjectives this certainly is.

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I'm not sure if i've started my length or not.?

virgins can attain pregnant
if they do the in one piece sperm surrounded by the turkey baster claptrap, because a womanly virgin is still a virgin if within is no permeation of a penis...
oh and yeah i reckon you can obtain pregnant from have sperm around the vaginal nouns

Ovulations Kits/FORTAMET?

Yes sweetie a girl can find pregnant lacking infiltration adjectives that desires to be is have the sperm around your vagina nouns and it can emerge contained by. May i ask why you are worried in the order of this is that what happen? And yes if you are a virgin and it solely seep contained by by him touching his penis to your outside vaginal nouns if he have sperm on it yes you can.

Should I be worried?

Yes, a girl can obtain pregnant whenever viable sperm unite a viable egg and implantation occur.

While dying out, a virgin can conceive in need near ever have be vaginal infiltration by the penis.If the sperm is "around" the vaginal nouns, it can enter the vagina on a finger, or on toilet article when the girl wipe, etc...

And for those few folks who answered this query beside "No Way" or "He11 No" they are definitely wrong!
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