Ovulations Kits/FORTAMET?

My doctor prescribed me FORTAMET Extended Release for my PCOS to assistance near solidity loss, ovualtion etc...The article is i hold other have my interval equal time of the month every month...But the doctor siad that doesn't be determined i'm ovulating it could be break through bleeding that culture devise is reg but its not..So along next to the meds he said to buy ovulation test fromt he store and use those...my cross-question is....
Does it really concern which one you use clear blue, answer or walgreens brand?
Second, it comes beside 7 test surrounded by one box, so when extactly do you start trialling? after your time of year? Or am I suppose to buy a box every week?
If anyone have any accepted wisdom or suggestions beside any of this please permit me know...also is anyone else taking these meds?

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Most women ovulate around sunshine 14 of their cycle. Start carrying out tests a moment or two earlier that.

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