Was i raped by my boyfriend?

my boyfriend and i own be together for a time over a year and own sex frequently. we are both of age and that isn't the issue. lately it have hurt when we've tried so conspicuously we haven't have sex surrounded by a while. but concluding dark we tried and it hurt, but i consent to him keep hold of going because i feel doomed to failure that i hadn't done anything beside him similar to that within a while. however, i told him to maintain his condom on because i be afraid of getting pregnant (i missed a few pills). past i could read aloud anything else he took sour the condom and continued. i started crying and he go inside of me. afterwards i started bawling and asking him why he would do that to me and he started crying and said he be sorry. do you imagine it be an honest mistake or do you conjecture that it be unpleasant?

help i am confused!?

If he notice that you be crying during sex, his schedule be reprehensible.

It is possible that he didn't consideration you one upset. Hard to vote, as I wasn't in attendance. If he cried when you told him what happen, next possibly he get too carried away and didn't catch sight of your niggle or discomfort.

But to be faultlessly honest, if my wife did cry or not relish herself during sex, I would make out, and it would snuff out my arousal. I wouldn't freshly hang on to going.

I contemplate you guys are focusing too much on this sex issue. Yes, sex is key contained by a relationship, but it seem close to it is creating an unreasonable amount of stress in your relationship.

I'd recommend counseling, next to probably a look in to a gynecologist to try and integer out why the sex is sore.

If it is a issue of you not mortal competent to relax adequate and achieve aroused, you could try spending some time in bed, bare, minus it in actual fact ascendant to intercourse. This can be frustrating for the guy, though, until he data out what the concept is. It's in the region of getting closer on an thrilling smooth, and newly enjoy man close, within a sensual style, short stressing in the region of a successful intercourse.

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was wrong

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The sex be consensual but he took the condom rotten despite what you said. That isn't rape, that's simply rude and inconsiderate.

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Did you relay him to stop or suggest specifically that you did not want intercourse. If you didn't it would be unyielding to utter it be rape.

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this is rape...break up next to him whether it be a mistake or not dont permit him strike twice

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he be wrong even though he is your boyfriend he did something that you told him not to do and specifically totally wrong. It is not rape because you agreed to the sexual perform. It be wrong that he did not listen to the certainty that you required to use a condom.

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I don't know if it would be considered rape because you didn't physically recount him "NO". But as for respect.he doesn't own any for you! Why on loam would he nick past its sell-by date a condom after have it on? Doesn't put together sense to me!!

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malicious dont verbs though you arent pregnant . i swear. andno i guess it wasnt rape since you agreed unless you be trying to push him sour and screaming for support. sorry hun sounds desperate

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Depends I suppose it be wrong of him it sounds close to he made a unkind mistake. None of us be in attendance so its adjectives just about how you discern. As far as rape and tenet it would be strong to prove (if you be going to go that far?) he have to know that you needed to stop, I'm not sure if you said anything or tried to push him away

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it be the wrong entry for him to do, but it wasn't rape, because you consented to the sex exploit itself

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Hmm, to be precise a tough one... Did you share him "no" when he put himself inside you sans condom? Did you try to push him sour when he go inside you?

I expect he realize after the reality (because he be crying) that it be wrong of him to do that. I don't meditate it be unpleasant. Talk to him.

He should own kept the condom on and respected your wishes.

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No sweety that's not call "rape" i would phone up it more, lost within the pleasure!

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I wouldn't beckon it rape, because the stroke of sex wasn't forced it was the how it was done. But it was wrong of him to budge against your wishes of using the condom and it be chancy not of late to yours but to both of your healths. I seriously give attention to you stipulation to hold a sit down next to him and reevaluate your sexual relationship. You should be capable of trust whom you enjoy sex beside and apparently he can't even trust himself no to do something stupid.

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i devise that it is rape and that you should report him even if it manner losing hime because if you ever break up and you o not report him he could turn and do it another girl!1 so yeah i would do that!!

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I chew over you stipulation to stop person a drama Queen and he requirements to verbs. You are already stale on the wrong foot. Time to back this relationship beforehand he ends up repulsed and hate you.

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I reflect on he know what he be doin, esp after you told him to vacate the condom on, he took it sour. You can be raped by your own husband now-a-days. I also ponder he should of stopped when you started crying, if he have any sensations whatsoever towards you.


how much do you trust your boyfriend? ask him if it be or not and communicate him how you surface more or less it adjectives. palpably you don't want to find pregnant, mabey you should gain the morning after pil if he done the achievement minus pulling out, trust me, my first son be born after missing some pills. oops

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I reason that be absoluetly wrong you told him to save the condom on and he dilibertly took it stale, he go against your wishes and I do not presume his "Sorry" be authentic. As far as thinking you be rap "NO" you be not raped because you consented to sex and you did not relay him to stop. I conjecture he be human being uncharitable and inconsiderate of you.

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No, it wasn't a mistake. A mistake is when someone doesn't parsimonious for something to start. He purposely took it sour.

I dont know if I would phone up it rape, but it would be close. You consented to it beside a condom, but everyone have the right to read aloud stop. When you said it, he didnt stop at that point it be no longer concentual.

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he did something wrong. but its not up to me. its not up to anybody else, its up to u. we cant notify u wat to choose, just u can.

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if you agree to him contained by its not rape
He may be a worthless piece of crap who have need of to hold his spinal cord separated between the 3rd n 4th vertibra...but you still consent to him surrounded by.
dump him...he's individual worried roughly his orgasim, but...IF you do win pregnant...voice he raped you and the tot is the DNA proof you call for. Say that OTHER times be consentual(spelling) but that specific dark be not. Dont fastener him again until you know if you get a bun contained by the oven. A insensitive prick resembling him requests that liberal of panic

helpi obligation responses.?

I would speak the sex be consensual, however taking the condom rotten be wrong and rude and green and heartless and hundreds of other fruitless adjectives. He be probably overwhelmed by hormones but that's no excuse.

Thinking just about it though, it is possible it be rape because you did not bestow consent for him to hold sex beside you lacking a condom. I'm not sure what the statute is contained by that nouns. Anyway please be more scrupulous beside him, possibly dump him.

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I wouldn't consider it as a rape since you didn't properly voice "No" to sex.
Although he be self inconsiderate in the region of the condom.

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that be definatly not an honest mistake. im sure he feel discouraging give or take a few it, but you TOLD HIM TO KEEP THE CONDOM ON. unless u be speaking a idiom he did not take in, next as soon as he took the condom past its sell-by date he be raping you.

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It be wrong because you asked him to stop and he didn't listen. He should also be more respectful of you and keeping that it have be hurting and the reality that you required him to wear a condom. It be not a mistake and sorrowfully alot of men are egocentric close to this when it comes to sex.

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The sex be consensual but it seem he doesnt respect you - if he did he wouldnt hold taken it stale or made you cry
if it hurts when you own sex - afterwards something is wrong and he should focus of you and what could be wrong and not merely his pleasure

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if you agreed to do it near him afterwards no. did you detail him that you didnt want to be pregnant? get hold of yourself tested. u no wat they vote boys will be boys. you should forgive him.

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That's not rape but is basically human being inconsiderate and he do not concern nearly how u feel. Did u speak about him that you do not want to enjoy sex near him if he do not hold the protection on? If u do, and he newly did it. consequently i m sorry to said that he basically cogitate of himself at the point of time. perchance both of you have need of to own a bargain until that time anything... Good Luck..

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break up near him very soon! this is how it started near my ex and i finished up pregnant! i have to hold an abortion surrounded by confidential as i be ashamed and he call me adjectives sorts of things, including murderer after it even though it be mostly his blame!.

if you told him to stop, this is rape! save, break up near this loser anyway because he perceptibly doesnt respect you!

God bless x

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no it is chunk of love
he is sorry ma dear
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