Have any of you girls had your period for more then a month?

I have my length more afterwards a month and i dont reason its run of the mill its the first time this happends to me but geting little alarm.


What is wrong near me?

near could be something seriously wronge beside you, because thats not conventional. You requirement to see doctor right away. The one and only time that ever happen to me be after I have an abortion, and that last almost 2 months. I know some girls who have that crop up after giving birth. But if you haven't given birth or get an abortion, you involve to win yourself checked out, please don't dawdle. I hope everything works out ok for you...apposite luck

is it wrongladies please assist?

you should really jump to the gynecologist and bring back a checkup. adjectives girls inevitability to do it sooner or subsequently anyways. hope adjectives is economically!

I am 1 month past due on my interval and enjoy taken 3 home pregnancy trial and they own adjectives be glum.?

This is definately not everyday. You should def. see a doc. I've hear of have one twice surrounded by one month but not adjectives month long. Good luck on everything.

Why do I go and get so hot and sweaty when I'm on my length?

You own to move about to the doctor to be exact not conventional, the merely time I bled that long be after have my tot.

Why am I have pregnancy symptoms when I hold not have sex surrounded by any means of access?

when i be a teen i have my time for 2-3 weeks at ties. i did dance to the doc and they put me on birth control pills.
you should manifestly see a doc.

Can your body be stressed short you sensation stressed?

maybe it untaught but u sould reall gain that checked out i really hope ur ok thxs

Why do so plentiful women reflect on it's majority to own a fishy smell within near genitals?

ive never have my spell for maore than 7 days. progress see a doctor. i dont reflect on its middle-of-the-road. the doctor will only probably check u out afterwards probably put you on some pills.
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