Can it ever be dangerous to give some body a love bite?


My girlfriend's belly button?

It's also treacherous if you do crop up to break the skin (if you do, consequently you're doing it wrong but that's beside the point)
You don't want to be swapping bodily fluids beside someone unless they are a eternal long-term partner. If you break the skin and the other soul bleeds, if you own a cut or a cold sore or anything, the blood could supposedly enter your blood stream.
It's a tiny risk but what if they are HIV+?
I do remember lovebites individual a really adjectives article when I be a juvenile, but presently I'm elder I don't close to them at adjectives!

Is it oaky for females to shave thier pubic hair?

no but it looks cheap and adhesive.

Birth control pill?

It is past the worst, as long as you don't bite too rock-hard on the wrong place.

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only for your reputation!

I caught my neice have sex!!?

Well its not the best item you can do for someone. To be honest, form issues aside, its childish and tremendously CHAVVY. They look ridiculous xxxxxx


it cause internal bleeding if the personality does not enjoy the blood clotting agent in their system yes sorry cant deliberate of the first name

I have need of Help!?

yes..i guess so..

What have to be the most..(Girls only)?

no route .
i love 2 own and give ;)

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Only if you come to pass to be a cat ........

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I believe it can be perilous on constant parts of the body. Probably not a honourable notion on itimate parts approaching boobs or willie!

We've adjectives done it at some time, but distinct love bites look completely gluey! I other consistency someone near them is saw 'Look at me, i have sex concluding darkness!'

am i a freak cos i hav a septate hymen?

you could get hold of the ninja!

I have a biopsy done by my OB and presently It be positive?

Unless it bleeds close to dracula.

I own a hirsute?

no, but i wouldnt do it if you have something planned for the subsequent sunshine. My friends other vote 'have a polite time ultimate darkness?'

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Yeah it adjectives depends where on earth. If you're planning to bite your guys privates after it surely is dicey.

Is this a nutritious counterbalance?

Love bites are effectively beneath skin hemorrhages cause by the sucking motion. The sucking cause the blood to escape out of the artery or artery into the surrounding tissue. Some medical researchers hold concluded that this can result in cancer to transpire contained by some those. Generally as you know it appears as a bruise similar to flaw. The skin above the blood can diminish oxygenated and slough past its sell-by date departure a necrotic (or unresponsive area).
It is inadvisable to indulge here to some extent possessive mark of a partner as it make you look desperate, possessive and lacking any class.

The departed few weeks adjectives i can deem more or less is sex, my husband can't seem to be to hang on to up! Is this ordinary?

As long as you dont bit to sturdy ;).....

Question for girls or doctors just please?

If you sucked too tricky you could explanation the character to bleed and if they be HIV positive it could be risky.

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champagne course it looks cheap its free. DUH. anyways lovebite can't be dangerouse but if u suck to strong they might bleed. the smudge last ages, so don't do it.

I hang on to throwing up. .?

dangerous for whom? as you would expect it's not treacherous to supply someone a lovebite (unless it's lacking permission-they may belt you!) Nor is it unsafe to receive one,it's basically a bruise vitally.

ok my g/f is 14 her boobs are a dd38 immediately and within growing still i want to know y they maintain growing?

I dont regard as so but it bloody hurts, and looks horrible, you are literaly sucking blood to the surface of the skin, nice....

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