Why is it so hard for me to stop taking vicodin? Does anybody have any tips?

I am almost into my fifth month of pregnancy and own be trying to stop taking this drug for months very soon. Why is it so incredibly difficult, especially on my emotion? I clutch a maximum of 4 halves of a pill a afternoon (a total of 2 pills) and struggle when it is any smaller quantity next that. Without the medication, my body feel so irritable, stunted, tired and I am irritated. Please lend a hand!

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This drug is significantly addictive Ive be taking it for years d/t a desperate pay for. You seriously necessitate to ween yourself spinal column and draw from proffessional assistance. Hang surrounded by nearby girl youll do.

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You are addicted. You probably requirement to step to rehab. I have a pill addiction as okay, but quit when I get pregnant. Narcotics are not honest for the little one, and you should stop taking them to prevent birth defect and developmental disorders. My counsel is to see your doctor and he may enjoy you taper past its sell-by date of the Vicodin precise to avoid problems.

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Vicodin is a narcotic so that's why it is so strong for you to quit taking them, but if you surmise in the region of it. You are pregnant and unless you want your infant born near extreme problems next it would be best for you to flush the pills down the toliet or provide them to someone who will preserve them away from you. You necessitate to quit these immediately. The aim that it is so difficult is becuase you are addicted to them and your body craves them next to the emotion you are going through withdrawl. Please go to the doctor and permit them know roughly your addiction so they can minister to you beforehand in that are extreme problems near the little one.

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This sounds similar to an addiction. Vicodin is a outstandingly addictive narcotic. You necessitate to update your OB/GYN directly so they can help out you through this. They may even want to recognize you into the hospital so they can monitor your toddler while you debt.

Remember, what you pocket, go to your BABY! Your kid could be born addicted and hold to jump through renunciation.... which is tough on rather tiny body.

Talk amenably to your Doctor, they won't arbiter you and they cannot oblige you if they do not know. You will be glad you did.

Many of your symptoms you schedule at the pause are run of the mill symptoms of pregnancy. They intervene also, you hold devout days and doomed to failure days.

Best of luck to you for a fine you and a robust little one. Please don't hang around to bring back comfort.

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Get some relief in a minute. You requirement to articulate near someone who deal within addiction. Vicodin is outstandingly addictive. When you shift in need, you are suffering from beside drawls. It sounds similar to you know something isn't right, that's huge. This is so adjectives you don't stipulation to grain alone. But please bring back support for yourself, as in good health as for your kid. Good luck!

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Vicodin is a STRONG analgesic. You may be addicted to them. You may stipulation professional assist, seriously. It could not possibly be adjectives that all right to be taking them during pregnacy anyways. You should really consult a mental form professional, they usually assist near subtance harm issues.

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