Do i have breast cancer i am freaking out help meee!?

i merely notice a red nouns on my breast i feel it and in attendance be a lump lower than it presently it have faded to a reading light brown i am with the sole purpose 12 yrs outdated i am on break and i figure if by he extension of the week when i return with home i would share my mom if it isent gone but i involve to know if it is cancer do if it is i should notify my aunt and mabey she could relief meee i entail support please

Why don't more women win a mammogram on a regular foundation when everyone know it could retrieve their energy?

Hi Hun! Im emma and My sister have breast cancer.
The first signs she notice be a lump it be enormously scratchy.
If its rough when you delicately press on it next you may requirement to see a doctor when you capture home also you will have need of to convey your aunt that you dream up in that is something going on. If its purely red and a bit swollen don't verbs it could be a see of tissue that happen from hormones or right since you acquire your 1st time of year or after. delight in your leave and don't be too worried.
if it be cancer it wouldn't be a hugely negative one since its not a roomy lump. They would own too do a small surgery. Im sure its not though!

Cloths and sweaty armpits?

lol inform her in a minute only just to be sure its probably nuthing though

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Y/A is not for medical diagnosis - Talk to your Aunt if she is the nearest fully developed - Chances are you don't hold cancer, but it could be something else.

HELP Girl Probelems??

It is most likley not cancer as you are greatly youthful. If you still enjoy it when you capture home from time off afterwards yes describe your mom and ask to carry it checked out at the docs bureau a short time ago to be past the worst.

Period + illustrious conservatory tryouts = unpromising!?

Well relate your aunt. It isn't cancer more than likley it is a cyst travel see a doctor deeply soon! hope this help!

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TELL your aunt NOW. The longer you skulk, the worse it can and will bring back.

It may or may not be breat cancer, it is probably not. But it could be, so I suggest you communicate your aunt ASAP and receive it checked out by a doctor.

I drink seriously of ICE?

HI dont verbs so much It could be anything BUt you do inevitability to detail her and she could conceivably see if you have need of to haae it checked out

Periods not regular cant have a handle on?

it could be an insect bite... it could be a zillion things except cancer... sometimes lumps come to pass due to your cycle... own you be qualified by a professional (doctor or nurse) how to examine yourself regularly?

You own to hold medical test to determine if it is cancer... it sounds unlikely but see a professional...

I have a tubal tie surrounded by 88 and very soon Im have symptons of pregnacy..?

Its most predictable not cancer. There are tons skin conditions that may appear to cancer, but it is best that you convey your aunt. Don't surface humiliated and you should grasp it checked out.

I enjoy have UNBEARABLE cramps,put a bet on pains,and headache along w nausea?

better consult adermatologist,woman doc gynae specialists.
but don't mull over it is a cancer it might be possible you would enjoy infection, some race own allegry from stuff /material of cloth cause rashes
contained by that travel case doc will prescribe a cream better is pcam
is nearby any releasing of solution or any discharge.?
if no after don't verbs but alteast consult a doc to remove enthusiasm.
try to wear loose dress instead of tight dresses.
usually breast cancer artificial women are married one and own children , this fate increases if mothers don't nurture their babies.
usually girls from the age 18 to 46 own probability of breast cancer.
i judge it would be skin allegr or any outer injury.
praying for positive and well brought-up results
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