Can it hurt when you are ?


Tampon give support to!?

yes. some women grain a twinge when the egg is released

Bit of an awkward sound out?

Yes.. you swell up everything get more sensitive.

Monthly making me so HUNGRY?

I deduce you dont discern a article, but it hurts for some ethnic group when they are have their time of year!

is this possible?

Yes, it can. I used to go and get a small, crampy affliction surrounded by my side when I be. If it is scratchy, you should grasp it checked, it could be a symptom of a problem approaching ovarian cyts or endometriosis.

Please help out!?

Yup, I used to sense a pinching awareness.

Only for girls please?

Yes, it is reasonably adjectives to enjoy a sort of sharp niggle over your ovary. It is call "Mittelschnerz"

Is it mundane to be cramping 13 days in the past expected time of year? I know that it is not ovulation strain,it feel like

Everyone have a different cramp threshold so it's thorny to know what you tight by itchy. I can other communicate when I'm ovulating. I capture the emotion of added pressure and an sore, pulling sensation.Very humiliated for sure. If you are sensation greatly of niggle you should step see a doctor though .... of late to be sure you are ok. : )

Ok, girl put somebody through the mill please around med's the doctor give me!?

yes, certainly....every time i ovulate i can quality it . and it is thoroughly uncomfortable

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