I eat a lot of ICE?

Does drinking a great deal of rime lower your probability of have a child?
And what are some of the affects it could enjoy on the body?

Talking mostly almost a females body

What nature of problem could this be? Women please?

No. Eating rime would not hold an impact on conceiving a child.

The medical possession for ingestion lots and lots of rime is - Pagophagia (pathological consumption of ice).

Pagophagia is a form of a condition call Pica. Pica is an appetite for non-foods (e.g., coal, soil, chalk, daily etc.) or an out of the ordinary appetite for some things that may be considered foods, such as food ingredients (e.g., flour, unprocessed potato, starch). In establish for these appointments to be considered pica, they must carry on for more than one month, at an age where on earth intake such objects is considered developmentally improper. The condition's designation comes from the Latin word for the magpie, a bird which is reputed to devour almost anything. Pica is see within adjectives ages, principally within pregnant women and small children, especially among children who are developmentally disabled, where on earth it is the most adjectives intake disorder. Geophagia refers specifically to the consumption of dirt and clay.

The scant research that have be done on the root cause of Pica suggest that the majority of those afflicted tend to suffer some biochemical not as much as and more repeatedly iron defect. Often the substance eat by those near the disorder does not even contain the mineral they are not up to standard within. In cases where on earth a biochemical lesser amount is the problem, Pica is commonly not discovered until the fewer is address. Once the lesser amount have be identified and treated beside vitamins or minerals, the Pica is usually resolved. If a mineral defect is not identified as the incentive of Pica, it recurrently lead to a misdiagnosis as a mental disorder. If the lesser amount continues to shift unnoticed it can become severe if the root of the defect is a disease or internal problem.

Hope this help.

Rick the pharmacist

why do men hold no breasts?

I don't ruminate so.

My wife have trouble have an orgasm?

i dont know of anny affects but you could be anemic

Can u seize dieases if u finga urself?

OMg i drink profoundly of rime too, my home and frienda are other making fun of me mete out i devour a lott of rime up to 35 cubes of rime per hours of daylight, i hear family who guzzle greatly of rime are low within calcimum that we dont tend to drink closely of milk. no its not impossible no doctor have ever told me its bleak.

Ladies: Have you other be sensitive to soap?

i don't know of any effects i have but through my two pregnancies i enjoy eat alot of rime and it have done no impair
is a appropriate passageway to maintain hydrated

kInda a cross-question for women?

ice is only frozen river ----it will not affect your probability of conception.. why would you regard as it would affect it?

I am really trying to lose consignment but its not natural to a short time ago stop drinking cast-offs and excerise, any suggestions?

It's made out of river. Right? I don't know if ingestion lot of cold stuff damage you save for trademark you cold.

After a yeast infection?

Eating lots of rime is a wondeful article, hun. You are keeping your body in good health hydrated, and I doubt it will stop you from getting pregnant.

While I be pregnant, i crunched on rime resembling it be going out of style because I be so dang thirsty adjectives the time. Having a infant within your belly make you hot and thirsty! lol My babe be born conventional and tough. So my intake rime did not hurt him! lol

Good Luck. and if you hold any more question give or take a few consumption rime, after ask your doctor.

Period remnants?

eating rime,is not a problem per se:,however near are some theories that suggest rime chewing is a result of sexual frustration............conceivably something to look at?

Very personal, serious answers with the sole purpose?

(I assume you be determined ICE as surrounded by solid dampen and not as surrounded by crystal meth. If you aim crystal meth, please seize some comfort within rehab, even back you consider have a newborn. But on to a interview more or less solid hose.)

The unadulterated point is this. Eating rime cause no problems what so ever. However, compulsive drinking of rime is a symptoms of iron fewer anemia. It is a classic form of a condition call Pica which is associated beside want of iron and anemia. (Other inhabitants near pica might crave corn starch or clay instead of rime.) If you own heavily built period this could be the produce, as you loose iron when you bleed. Talk to your doctor. Get your blood and iron tested. You may inevitability iron supplements or I don`t know basically prenatal vitamins.
Good luck.

Help beside tampons?

It is crazy to suggest or even believe that consumption rime will freeze your overies. NOT TRUE! I know that rime chomping could hurt your teeth but to be precise it.

If the first plan b pill is taken in 70 hours of unprotected sex-is it still efficient?

No it won't do anything save for clear the inside of your mouth cold.

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