I'm 13. Is it normal for my breasts to be sore all the time?


please aid..!?

Its middle-of-the-road for them to be sore two weeks up to that time your interval. Not adjectives the time. All the time could be a hormone disparity or pregnancy. Talk to your mom.

If it doesn't really thing why?

no its not i reflect u should inform ur mom so she can filch u to the doctor

is it still possible to be going through puberty at age 22?

well, yes, if its a breast bud

Brown discharge from vagina..?

ummm, if you own not have your term however maby it is going to evolve

I'd approaching to know what munificent of medical operation within a young at heart female lead to viginal bleeding?

that is personal information you are sharing next to the world !! UM i dont know, shift homily to your doctor

Cant lose bulk?

yes cuz i am 2 and it process tat here growing.

I get a give somebody the third degree in the region of a show i watch on opra? They showed a girl that have be given some sort of?

You are probably merely growing. If they are achy it's ok, if you are in actual cramp, kind sure you shift to a doctor ok? Good luck beside them! lol

help me girls! bit grose!?

YES they are growing it is sector of growing up and becoming a woman

Where do you shave?

It could only just be because they're growing. I would be undisruptive to return with it checked out by a doc only just contained by armour.

I found a lump surrounded by my breast and I am panicky to deathanyone out at hand enjoy words of direction?

hormones can explanation that. they are probably any within a growth spurt or your term is coming.

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Hi... when I be 13 my breasts be sore adjectives the time too... Even when I layed down on something.... It is ordinary especially around the time of your time.... At the time... I have some cystic breast.... Now I am elder and they do not hurt at adjectives.... But hold them examined by GYN to be not detrimental! Also... they told me later to stay away from caffine products... Coke.. Choclate, and teas and coffee

I acquire nausea and sometimes vomiting after I drink. Not intentional.?

Well conceivably they're growing. You are in a puberty stage.

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yes it is, i go through the exact same point as you when i be your age. your a short time ago going threw puberty. and dont verbs it will move about away soon.

Canceling an appointment?

If your breasts are still developing it could be "growing pains" it is also not extraordinary to enjoy breast stomach-ache right formerly your time of year starts. However, if it is constant stomach-ache and it is bothering you on a regular proof, to be exact not everyday and you should probably see a doctor.

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Your body and hormones are varying so tons areas may hurt. Talk beside your mother roughly what she go through because inheritance play a role. Remember that at secure times within your cycle your breasts will be more "tender" than at others. Make sure you enjoy a fitting bra beside support to oblige too

I own not have sex i own be fingered and hold given a foot career i havent gotten my extent it is 2 days slowly?

If you are still developing it is majority to be sore. Remember that sensation because for masses women explicitly also the first legitimate sign of pregnancy.

Has anyone ever tried or no anyone that have tried the Coolbeam laser?

Well, i feel it's run of the mill if you havent have your spell... that way is coming soon... and if you have your interval it could be the PMS, save dance and see a doctor ok?

any doctors out near? i preserve getting the shakes?

maybe ur pregnant????

Im almost15 ive have sex my mom wants2 steal me2 the gyno cuz my time of year but i dnt want mom 2 no that ive have sex

umm your breast shouldn't be sore adjectives the time when is the ending time you have your term?

what would a non malignant cyst on your thyroid gland intimate?

they are growing...its mundane. but if they start to enjoy stabbing pains you have need of to travel to the doctor

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