Weird problem?

hey all. well ailing just achieve to the point.
im having a unnatural problem and its sorta freakin me out. ive been have a clear discharge....just scarcely, my nipples are sore and i cant use the bathroom(number2) i havent done number 2 in roughly a week or 2 unless i really...strain lol...omg im so embarrassing myself. my nipples are becoming better though...not as sore as they used to be...and im on my interval at the moment but that doesnt have anything to do near using the bathroom...i dont think. anyone know whats up?

Bad PMT after miscarriage - please assist?

Homeopathic Treatment :-
Please read the following carefully, this remedy BRYONIA ALBA have all of your symptoms hold it three times a day within 30 potency half an hour past meals :-

Wild Hops

Acts on adjectives serous membranes and the viscera they contain. Aching in every muscle. The general qualities of the pain here produced is a stitching, tear; worse by motion, better rest. These characteristic stitching pains, greatly aggravated by any motion, are found everywhere, but especially in the chest; worse pressure. Mucous membranes are all dry. The Bryonia lenient is irritable; has vertigo from raise the head, pressive headache; dry, dry as a bone lips, mouth; excessive thirst, bitter predilection, sensitive epigastrium, and feeling of a stone contained by the stomach; stools large, dry, complicated; dry cough; rheumatic pains and swellings; dropsical effusions into synovial and serous membranes.

Bryonia affects especially the constitution of a robust, firm fiber and dark complexion, beside tendency to leanness and irritability. It prefers the right side, the evening, and start on air, heat up weather after cold days, to manifest its action most markedly.

Children dislike to be carried or raise. Physical weakness, adjectives apathy. Complaints apt to develop slowly.

Mind.--Exceedingly irritable; everything puts him out of humor. Delirium; wants to travel home; talks of business.

Head.--Vertigo, nausea, giddiness on rising, confusion. Bursting, splitting headache, as if everything would be pressed out; as if hit by a hammer from in; worse from motion, stooping, opening eyes. Headache become seated in occiput. Drawing in bones towards zygoma. Headache; worse on motion, even of eyeballs. Frontal headache, frontal sinuses involved.

Nose.--Frequent bleeding of feeler when menses should appear. Also in the morning, relieving the headache. Coryza next to shooting and aching within the forehead. Swelling of tip of nose, feel as if it would ulcerate when touched.

Ears.--Aural vertigo (Aur; Nat sal; Sil; Chin). Roaring, buzzing.

Eyes.--Pressing, crushing, aching anguish. Glaucoma. Sore to touch and when moving them.

Mouth.--Lips parched, dry, cracked. Dryness of mouth, tongue, and throat, next to excessive thirst. Tongue coated yellowish, dark brown; heavily white contained by gastric derangement. Bitter taste (Nux; Col). Burning in lower lip in older smokers. Lip swollen, dry, black, and cracked.

Throat.--Dryness, sticking on swallowing, scraped and constricted (Bell). Tough mucus in larynx and trachea, loosened only after much hawking; worse coming into heat room.

Stomach.--Nausea and faintness when rising up. Abnormal hunger, loss of soft spot. Thirst for large draughts. Vomiting of bile and wet immediately after drinking. Worse, warm drinks, which are vomited. Stomach sensitive to touch. Pressure in stomach after consumption, as of a stone. Soreness in stomach when coughing. Dyspeptic ailments during summer roast. Sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch.

Abdomen.--Liver region swollen, sore, tensive. Burning pain, stitches; worse, pressure, coughing, breathing. Tenderness of abdominal walls.

Stool.--Constipation; stools frozen, dry, as if burnt; seem to be too large. Stools brown, gooey, bloody; worse in morning, from moving, in hot weather, after one heated, from cold drinks, every spell of hot weather.

Urine.--Red, brown, like beer; inadequate, hot.

Female.--Menses too early, too profuse; worse from motion, beside tearing pains in legs; suppressed, beside vicarious discharge or splitting headache. Stitching pains in ovaries on taking a deep inspiration; vastly sensitive to touch. Pain in right ovary as if torn, extending to thigh (Lilium; Croc). Milk fever. Pain in breasts at menstrual spell. Breasts hot and painful rugged. Abscess of mammae. Frequent bleeding of nose at appearance of menses. Menstrual irregularities, next to gastric symptoms. Ovaritis. Intermenstrual pain, next to great abdominal and pelvic soreness (Ham).

Respiratory.--Soreness in larynx and trachea. Hoarseness; worse in open nouns. Dry, hacking cough from irritation within upper trachea. Cough, dry, at night; must sit up; worse after drinking or drinking, with vomiting, near stitches in chest, and expectoration of rust-colored sputa. Frequent desire to clutch a long breath; must expand lungs. Difficult, quick respiration; worse every movement; cause by stitches in chest. Cough, next to feeling as if chest would fly to pieces; presses his chief on sternum; must support chest. Croupous and pleuro-pneumonia. Expectoration brick shade, tough, and falls like lumps of jelly. Tough mucus contained by trachea, loosened only beside much hawking. Coming into warm room excites cough (Nat carb). Heaviness beneath the sternum extending towards the right shoulder. Cough worse by going into thaw out room. Stitches in cardiac region. Angina pectoris (use tincture).

Back.--Painful stiffness in nape of nouns. Stitches and stiffness in small of spinal column. From hard hose down and sudden changes of weather.

Extremities.--Knees stiff and uncomfortable. Hot swelling of feet. Joints red, swollen, hot, beside stitches and tearing; worse on most minuscule movement. Every spot is painful on pressure. Constant motion of moved out arm and leg (Helleb).

Skin.--Yellow; pale, swollen, dropsical; hot and itchy. Seborrhoea. Hair very greasy.

Sleep.--Drowsy; starting when falling asleep. Delirium; busy beside business matters and what he have read.

Fever.--Pulse full, hard, worried, and quick. Chill beside external coldness, dry cough, stitches. Internal heat. Sour sweat after slight exertion. Easy, profuse perspiration. Rheumatic and typhoid evident by gastro-hepatic complications.

Modalities.--Worse, warmth, any motion, morning, consumption, hot weather, exertion, touch. Cannot sit up; gets giddy and sick. Better, lying on painful side, pressure, rest, cold things.

Relationship.--Complementary: Upas when Bryonia fail. Rhus; Alumina. Illecebrum.--A Mexican drug.--(Fever with catarrhal symptoms, gastric and typhoid confusion symptoms).

Antidotes: Acon; Cham; Nux.

Compare: Asclep tub; Kali mur; Ptelia.

Dose.--First to twelfth attenuation.

No Side Effects or Complications, 100% relief !
Take Care and God Bless You !

Ok ladies red irrated vagina skin for 2 months in a minute infection?please help me near advice?

i other got constipated on my extent but a clear discharge is hardly your term, you should go see a gyn.

This cross-question is 4 gurls only!?

if you havent gone to the bathroom you necessitate to go see ur doctor asap

7weeks and not various symptoms?

the nipple discharge is not uncommon around your term.
The other is severe constipation. You obviously do not drink adequate water, nor do you consume adequate fiber. You are at risk and should see a doctor if you really have't have a movement in such a long time. The bowel can litterally rot.

I lately found out what im pregnant and I was born near spina bifida. Anyone know what the risks are.?

if you havent gone #2 in over a week you should trytaking some kind of laxative if longer next go to the doctor, your nipples be probably sore cause you be bout to start your period, and the discharge from your vagina? thats everyday

Was on bc after havin baby reg length, 2 mths later switched to trial brand no period at adjectives preg. test neg?

The discharge and sore nipples are adjectives.
You have severe constipation.....enjoy you tried a laxative?
I t is not good to stir that long without have a bowel movement.
You should go to your DR.........

Fellow women, this may appear like a grotesque question but seriously conceivably you've dealt near it too?

no maybe you involve to see your doctor you may need some medication

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