Masturbating: will i loose my virginity?

i feel lyk trying out masturbation. but i fear that i will loose my virginity. any assistance here would be great

Ladies single pls...breast cross-examine?

Virginity is usually equated with an intact Hymen. Hymen is a thin membrane covering the entrance of the vaginal conduit and can be broken easily. Depending on how you masturbate, you can easily break this membrane.

If you outline virginity as absence of sex with the divergent sex, then by definition you are a virgin.

Chinese has a proverb: "virginity is like a balloon, one prick and its all gone!!"

What does this be determined?

No, your virginity will not lost eventhough your hymen may break. Virginity will be lost with the sole purpose if you have any affair between a boy. If you love a boy your virginity of mind will be lost. If you have any type touch between a boy near sexual desire then the virginity of body will be lost. Otherwise you are a virgin. Dont worry roughly speaking it.
I appreciate you. I am thiking that if all the girls were approaching you how fast the world will also become a virgin.

You are now a virgin. But one article you must remember. If your hymen breaks your husband may suspicious about your virginity.

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Virginity is a term used to describe the state of never have engaged in sexual intercourse. A personage who still has his or her virginity can accordingly be described as individual a virgin. In broader usage of these terms, they can characterize a state of purity. ... when you masturbate you are not engaging contained by sexual intercourse...

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sweeety dont stress this all depends on what you see as " losing your virginity" for example people see as using a tamon is losing you virginity but within my eyes it is when you have sexual intercourse another. so dont stress and experiment sex comes naturaly you should never feel pressured

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No mode dude. When you actually have sex near a male, not a woman, not by masturbating, but with a MALE, thats when you'll lose your virginity, and when that time comes, use a condom!
But you are immaculately fine. You have no worries.

Girls please assistance?

no! u wont lose
ur virginity! u lose it
when u actually u no "hold sex"
with a guy, but masturbating
is different! most ppl
do it, u dont hav anything to worry
more or less!:)
hope u have fun
trying it out!x]

Ladies: How would you counter if you found out you're pregnant today?

You lose your virginity when a gut puts his penis into your vagina.

I own disharge explicitly white?

it depends how you define your virginity.

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you wont loose your virginity by mastrubating

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yes you terribly well can lose your virginity if you pop your hymen.

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go for your existence but having sex is a conscience decision you'll net later on in vivacity

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