What is a happy pill?


Bith control put somebody through the mill please assist!!?

It scheme different things to different culture. For some it is prozac. For some it is M&Ms. For others it is lately a integer of speech (like a chill pill - though that can also me a existing entity, too). Some women get the impression similar to Midol or Pamprin are cheery pills because they dampen the symptoms of menstruation. I tend to cogitate of a glowing pill as herbal tablet or supplements. SAMe springs to mind - it really help me when I have post partum depression. Kava Kava can also be comforting and happy-making. Of course the herb requirement to be of biddable trait and using the right chunk of the plant - here's where on earth I found the best:

Kava: http://www.mynsp.com/carole/products/gui...
SAMe: http://www.mynsp.com/carole/products/gui...

They also hold adjectives inherent publication of those Lipitor type elated pill/weightloss products. I muse the hot ones very soon are Cortisol and Hoodia, right? I hear them use that phrase on their commercial very soon that I believe of it.


Girls/doctors singular!?

M & M's!!

WOMEN ONLY PLEASE..Has anyone have a vaginal odor from Effexor (anti-depressant)?

Antidepressants - Pills that treat depression

Am I Depressed?

an anti depressant


"Happy pill" is a phrase that culture use to describe anti-depressants.

Should I be worried? HELP!?

ecstacy... mmmmmm

yeast infection?

Um, pills that receive you cheerful :-)

Ever Heard Of Boston IVF?

a muscle relaxant.

do you presume I am Fat?

Generally, prescription pills for depression.

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I don't know but if you find one please agree to me know!

Help asappppppp?

A valium or a xanax

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It usually refers to antidepressants

I have it..?

My husband say it is Midol. LOL

Birth control and time ask?

anti depressant =-]

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It is a pill to be precise supose to build you lively but it lone works sometimes...

Spermicide? Condoms? Unprotected Sex?

mine is xanax

Is person a virgin at age 18 regular?

prescription pills for depression

Dizzyness? Anyone ?

Yes, antidepressants. More specifically, Lexapro and Prozac.

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NATURAL nouns for time of year twinge?

It depends on the being you ask if you be asking me i would say-so they are anti-depressants but if you asked one of my freinds they would say aloud xtc

Nose bleed - could this be connected to birth control, or valtrex, or a heavier workout diary?

I'm Charlotte TOO!! My day by day at ease pill is a Wellbutrin 150mg.

Does wearing underwired bras affect circulation and do breast agony?

It's an anti-depressant, muscle relaxer or other type of prescribed medication which help you to grain better.

I hold an iud, tampon?

My personal fav are Valuim or Zanax. They spawn you enormously contented.

why am i other bleeding?

for me it's adjectives brass neck pills ex: xanax, kolonopin, Valium, ativan, etc....they net me outstandingly pleased!!!!!!!

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sex related grill?

the most adjectives I hear: Zoloft, Lexapro, Prozac, etc. Various antidepresants!

Why are today's immature young girls so chubby and overweight?

for me it is vicodin, soma, lortab,xanax,dextromethampheta...
demerol,valium, coke, xtc,etc,etc,etc

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