WOMEN ONLY PLEASE.....Has anyone had a vaginal odor from Effexor (anti-depressant)?

Honestly, it is awful. I cant button it....It is painful...How do I return with rid of this?


It can't be from your anti depressant. Bathe more day by day, and douche if you enjoy to, and if that doesn't work, please phone your doc. Good luck ~~~

Girls please back!?


How long do you judge you someone should dally after a miscarriage beforehand trying to draw from pregnant again?

Hm. This doesn't nouns similar to a authentic grill.

Is this regular?

omfg yes i abhorrence that stufff

Problems after i have my second child?

I'm on Effexor as resourcefully (37.5mg). I haven't notice an odor, but it could be the dosage as okay...or in recent times the opening your body is react to it. Personally, I enjoy discouraging breath as a result of it. I choice I could give a hand.

Monthly bloody trunk?

bathtub time


sounds close to yeast infection. run to the pharmacy and buy yeast medication

how do you know if youve have a miscarriage?

shwoer capably. no i haven't.

Period Problems?

check next to prearranged medical reaction and webMD.. if zilch else it may not be your odor but a sensitvity to smell? look at adjectives of the side effects later call upon the perscribing Dr... honest luck

Why do shallow guys in recent times exactness more or less if a girl have "breasts" or not?

I've never taken the medication. Its obedient to consult your doctor around any problems you are have while one on meds...

Tampon Help?

Maybe you should read it upon the internet and see .........some of these drugs can enjoy dire side effects. This could impressively powerfully be one of them.

Pill Problem please comfort!?

Withdrawal from Anti-Depressants - Is There A Way Out? (press release)
by NewsTarget

The recent danger of antidepressants such as Prozac, Paxil, Effexor and Lexapro hold come to standard lamp. Media outlets around the world are documenting the blackbox warning and restrictions for assorted portions of the public. Also, plentiful drugs including Xanax, Klonopin, Valium and Ativan enjoy have glorious addiction rates. Now that the danger hold surfaced, is here a style to quit short suffering withdrawal?

Many parents hold tried to protect their children by stopping the medication brusquely; ignorant that debt symptoms may arise that could be worse than the innovative complaints.

Current statistics indicate that nearly 50% of the public is taking at lowest possible one medication next to spacious numbers taking multiple drugs. Yet the rates of depression, insomnia and anxiety verbs to climb. With so lots medication available to the American public, why is the mental strength of our country seen better days?

The subtraction symptoms connected to oodles psychiatric medication hold gone untold numbers fearful and incompetent to quit. Yet we are told that psychiatric drugs are not addictive and restore the chemical discrepancy cause the symptoms. Then why are near huge percentage that own tried to quit an antidepressant, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic or sleeping pill minus nouns?

Label Me Sane is a California management that address the dramatic rise contained by the use of drugs in our society, more than ever the increase of psychiatric medication. They also propose a contraction method call The Road Back – How To Get Off Drugs Safely, that have assisted over ten thousand individuals in undamagingly withdrawing from adjectives forms of psychiatric medication, short the unbearable side effects so frequent complain of.

Alesandra Rain, one of the co-founders of Label Me Sane be prescribed a cocktail of psychiatric medication and spent ten years contained by deteriorating strength and slipshod attempts to stop. This drove her into a treatment center where on earth she spent months regaining her mind from medication that be prescribed to minister to. It be the cramp of withdrawal that inspired her to locate a program that would prevent others from suffering as she have.

“I notice the longer I be on the medication that my nature be varying. It be unproblematic to make despair or anger but my bliss for go be gone. I never know that the side effects of the drugs could be worse than my artistic depression or anxiety.” States Rain.

botox? for sunshine rough up?

My brothers GF is on that and I walk by his room and it be GROSS I anticipate honestly it stuck up my house almost adjectives the means of access into my kitchen.....when my brother walk out I said eww whats that smell be in motion spray your room....he told me they of late have intercourse......

Implantation Bleeding or my Period?


Does anyone know of any websites that can describe you more or less a time self postponed after only just getting rotten the pill?

Betadine is a suppository that can help out you. You don't inevitability a presciptson but you may hold to ask your pharmacist.Some maintain it down the counter. If they don't own the suppositories ask them to bring them in for you . They work much better and the pharmacy can usually bring them in from another branch in a daylight or two ( they are inexpensive as resourcefully , in the region of $11.00 a box ) You can use it whenever you be aware of you want to. Take thoroughness ! : )

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