Is being a virgin at age 18 normal?

Cause I'm a virgin and I'm 18


i strongly agree near the others nearby is nil impressive around still person a virgin at 18 or any age. I be avirgin when i be 18 and i be proud. Please stay that road it's better for you explicitly until you win amrried or find the right long-term relationship. Having sex also comes beside closely of consequences that frequent general public lately can't frontage. It's similar to money (if your not married) it the root of adjectives evil... Be strong going on for it and God bless you!!

I don't know if this is run of the mill?

YES definitely! It shows that you are season and enjoy self-discipline unlike masses within society who are within a huge rush to hit the sheets. I commend you on your great values and longing you the best for the adjectives! YOU GO GIRL!!

Painful sex?

Of course it is ordinary. There is no foundation to rush into anything! And don't consent to anyone report to you differently :) It is better to hang around for that special someone anyways. :)

If you're losing consignment (about 20 pounds) is it usual to enjoy irregular period?

Good for you. One item I know for sure, you will never regret waiting, but you repeatedly regret not waiting.
Saving yourself is great! (especially beside adjectives the diseases)

why is it that a couple of days back my length contained by so irritable?

Stay a virgin!
You'll be A LOT happier when you stumble upon your adjectives husband, and your serious, and hes the first you hold sex beside.
If you only just own sex beside someone you THINK you love, or you sort of close to, you will regret it.

It lately shows your developed for your age.

Its a apt thing

Good living.

When your not a virgin anymore.?

POWER TO YOU! command, discipline, devout judgement... i'm not seeing anything impossible more or less that. i indicate, seriously, what's the inclination w/ sex anyway? lol. def. not a problem.

Valentines Question ladies just!!?

Yes! It's terribly average and more's OKAY!! Don't be ashamed or disconcerted! I be 27 when I lost mine.

For you gals who hold have hysterectomies.?

i imagine it is a really honest thing
i lost my virginity at 14 and i own other regretted it
i will i would enjoy wait

Question for the ladies?

There is zilch wrong near self a virgin at 18. God is smiling down at you right immediately!

Girls simply please!!- I regard I get my time but I am not sure..?

do you want to loose it?

Does breastmilk really finance growth of babies?

Yes.. Don't acquire stuck surrounded by what other's are doing. Very majority.. I'm sure here are millions of 18 yr. infirm mannish virgins.. too.but They won't recognize it..

Monthly making me so HUNGRY?

yes its deeply common!

When can I expect my interval when taking birth control pills?

Yes. Most of my friends lost their virginity in their mid 20's

How copious calories does your body use for nomla functions close to walking to classes sitting astanding stuff similar to?

In your culture its getting singular by days but contained by south asian and specially muslims its relatively adjectives, I am a 30 years out-of-date Muslim man and still virgin waiting for my nuptials within few months:) enunciate me congrats lol

Hey so if a girl bleeds her first time should i be wary?

Yes, it is average because their is really no set age to loose one virginity. By staying a virgin, it shows you enjoy self respect, morals, and importance yourself. I infer it is pretty cool you choose to keep on for the right personality, instead of experimenting or of late doing it. I' am a virgin and I' m 21, I construe I' am pretty middle-of-the-road because I don't regret waiting.

Why aren't my breasts growing anymore?will they?

Being a virgin at a 18 is vastly commonplace. I'm 20 and a virgin. Proud of it too. I communicate guys when they ask that I'm a virgin. Some can't believe it and others read aloud they are too. Don't tolerate anyone pressure you into giving up your virginity. If your a virgin waiting till matrimonial or a short time ago waiting for the right individual later don't permit anyone correction your mind. Because once you hold sex your no longer a virgin and you can't run it fund.

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