Why am i always bleeding?

i have my little one 8 months ago and i maintain bleeding resembling 3 times a month its getting really annoing cos my sex vivacity have stopped and i dont know why please relief if u own this problem or know the best item to do


Solutions and Suggestions Needed for this ?

Did they perchance put you onto a contraceptive pill which could own messed this up. The mini pill, which is supposed to stop the period, made mine irregular in like track. Other than this jump and see your doctor as it could be a sign of an infection or something else from have the child.

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See your gynaecologist?

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make an appointment next to ur GP/Doc & discuss taking the contraceptive pill 2 control ur period.

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it is possible that you are iiregular. Talk to your doctor around birth control pills to regulate your cycle.

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bleeding this much is not majority. please turn to your doctor and find checked out. it might be serious and might be not but you cant maintain worrying and not gettin checked. doctors own see heaps cases so dont be worried or shy

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I bled profusely after my 2nd little one and I be going to greatly. I saw my G.P and she found zilch wrong apart from slight anaemia. I be treated for this and carried on existence as conventional and the problem soon ( capably an extra 4 months) disappeared of it's own concord. I would other recommend going to your Dr if something is not typical for you and suggest you book an appointment. I'm sure it's nought and need you adjectives the terribly best. Good luck.xx

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