How many calories does your body use for nomla functions like walking to classes sitting astanding stuff like?
um i needed to know for a healtrh article for condition class we are research obut counterweight management
The get-up-and-go expenditure would depend on your body mass index (which is determined on the proof of your substance and height); but assuming that you are a ordinary developed, this is how your spirit expenditure for a variety of mundane chores would be; this is for hour hour of doing the dedicated distraction:
Aerobics - Light 120 ; Moderate 200 ; and Vigorous 300
Walking 4 km/hr 105 ; 7 km/hr 200 ; and 10 km/hr 370
Running 9 km/hr 320; 10 km/hr 350; 12 km/hr 430 and 16 km/hr 550
Cycling 9 km/hr 120; 16 km/hr 220 ; 21 km/hr 320
Swimming 25 metres/min 165; 40 metres/min 240; and
50 metres/min 345
Rowing Light 200 ; Vigorous 420
I hope you find these productive for conducting your vigour class.
adjectives the best.
do a google go through, its not much