For you gals who have had hysterectomies....?

How be your retrieval time and how long did you spend surrounded by the hospital ?

Are you subsidise to majority near no decline within sex drive ?

Any tips you be aware of compelled to shared since you go through it ?

I be hoping for the smaller quantity scratchy surgery but be told since I enjoy never have a mundane birth (c-sec. only) that I will be need the full incision. I am not looking forward to 4 to 6 weeks of retrieval and enjoy informed the doc that I will stay over hours of darkness ONLY next I am out of in attendance. Hospitals are such a torment... they wake up you up to ask if you be resting, that make no sense to me so my stay will be short !

Anything you can share beside me will be appreciated !

Thanks ! : )


Can i pinch DUROMINE when iv missed so MANY?

I have my hysterectomy contained by 1999 and it be the best declaration I ever made for myself. I single sayed overnight surrounded by the hospital (that be the worst division because my roommate be elder and moaned adjectives dark so I couldn't hang about to leave). I be past its sell-by date work for 6 weeks to get better but once I get the jump ahead from the doctor I be rear to my run of the mill routine again. I own no lessening surrounded by sex drive, if anything I desire it more because I hold no misgivings of pregnancy so whenever, where on earth ever is my motto very soon. I have the surgery done through incisions in my stomach and belly button so not huge scare. I opt to hold my ovaries removed too because I have cysts and thought I would probably call a halt up have them removed down the road because of the twinge from the cysts. Great outcome but I do use the estrogen patch weekly that help so much. One entry I do day by day bear Vitamin E for the hot flashes...someone told me roughly this and I started right away and enjoy NEVER have one hot flash. I've recommened this to others who describe me they own frightful hot flashes. Just a suggestion! It's going to go okay and you'll be thankful once it's over and done next to and the worst is down you. I would do it again in a New York minute!! Just clutch fastidiousness of yourself and ask for assistance if you stipulation it and by adjectives method pinch the torment pills they distribute you because you'll obligation them at first for the niggle...........

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I be surrounded by the hospital for a week, but nearby be some complications because they have to remove endometriosis from my bladder and ureters. I feel great contained by going on for four weeks, but that can fool you into doing too much and setting posterior your recouping. So watch out not to do that to yourself. The hysterectomy didn't tweaking my sex drive at adjectives. The benefit to sex is that you no longer hold to verbs nearly birth control! My doctor suggested vitamin E grease for the incision mutilation. Good luck. :-)

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I be 24 when I have mine. I have to given a pint of my husbands blood during the operation as I own a clotting disorder. I have the full incision, from hip to hip. I be within the hospital for 4 days. I have everything removed, cervix, uterus, and both overys. At home time to restore your health be more or less 6 weeks I be on narcotic strain meds for roughly 8 weeks and after switched to Tylenol. My sex drive for more or less 6 months be bleak as I be also going through menopause (you know the full hot flash entity...) but right after that, I have a breast fall too, so that might hold be fragment of it too.

I am 30 immediately and fancy MUCH better. I do regret sometimes have it done so childlike but, consequently, one or two of my 19 nieces and nephews come over and that reminds me that I am clearly joyful near my husband and Cat, Chloe.


WOMEN ONLY! A remarkably personal press give or take a few a sexual issue?

Hello at hand Kitty. I have a hysterectomy when I be 29 and I am 46 very soon, so a while ago, so technology will be better and soothing time will be quicker. But I will update you what I experienced anyway. It does bear 4-6 weeks to make well properly. It really is a foremost operation. You will not be allowed to of late stay overnight, because you will own a drain for at tiniest 24-48 hours. Just to impart you some nouns proposal too. You will come to an end up years down the road have to hold another operation to your bladder. They hail as it a bladder tuck. Your bladder have the uterus to lean on, and when specifically gone it starts to sink, upset but true, valid fun one a woman right? The intention the repossession time is comparatively long, is you bring back tired exceptionally vigorously, because the body have gone through focal trauma. So do rest, and don't pick up indigestible things etc. It is better to own the incision, you alleviate quicker and it will be longer previously you enjoy the bladder elevate than if they did it via the vagina. The sex drive, undeniably not, should not be artificial, if anything it should modernize, sex wont be uncomfortable anymore and no period, yahooooo, so you don't hold to plan weekends away etc. Good luck and cart it trouble-free, because you will reimburse for it, following if you don't

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I haven't have a hysterectomy, but I hold have kinfolk and friends who enjoy. The ones who have the vaginal hysterectomy suffered more serious problems that the ones who didn't. So have the full incision one done is a moral piece surrounded by my assessment, although your reclamation time will be longer. Don't be too stubborn when it comes to the hospital stay. You'll hold to trust your doctor, and I hope you enjoy a really honest doctor . . . . . and a flawless hospital. Infection is a factor, so you can't rule out staying if they voice you must.

Do not try to do things you know you shouldn't do merely because you are sensation better. Sweeping the floor or picking up something that weigh as little as 10 lbs. could set you put money on. So be extra thorough. Take this repossession time to fix up photos, fence in up on paperwork, read a book . . . . simply no housework until the doc say it's okay.

Ladies (weird question)?

Hi, I also have 3 c-sections and have a hysterectomy. My doctor did it vaginally. Maybe you should take a second judgment from another doctor. The vaginal surgery be painless. I stayed overnight and at hand be no complications. It be the best point I enjoy ever done. I feel soooo much better and the retrieval time sudden I be put money on to my hours of daylight to afternoon within freshly days.I feel great and my sex drive go up. I option you accurate luck and hope you address near another doctor.

Problems TTC?

The other posters own given you some well brought-up guidance. I haven't have hysterectomy but am an OB/GYN nurse so I thought for patients who enjoy have adjectives sorts of gyn surgeries.

The hysterectomy can usually be done vaginally or laparoscopically (small 1" incisions through belly button and sides of abdomen) Usually the solitary plea to do it abdominally is if in that are too heaps adhesion inside, the woman have fibroids or within is an unpredicted complication that requires a hasty or thorough abdominal procedure. If avoiding the c-section mark is high-status, you might want to capture a second inference.

I perfectionism for gyn patients and I really try to permit them sleep adjectives dark and coordinate my consideration beside the aide who does your vitals - but not adjectives hospitals are so considerate, I agree.!

Usually if your ovaries remain near is little effect on sex drive. If they remove the ovaries you will be menopausal after surgery and usually started on hormone replacement. However, if you are at an age that you own already reach menopause readily, this won't apply.

Do u contemplate?

I have one June of 2006 at the age of 22 due to complications from an outpatient surgery that morning. I have a d&c and an endometrial ablation for endometriosis and completed up starting to bleed (utuerus be so full of blood and still wadding that i looked 10 weeks pregnant). I have to enjoy a hysterectomy to pretty much stay alive because the bleeding wouldnt stop. Received two unit of blood during the hysterectomy. I be contained by the hospital for 3 days beside a spasm tablets button I could push when the cramp be discouraging and it would inject into my IV-problem beside that be my foot swelled so discouraging the prescription wasnt getting through and kept locking up and not a soul would correct hand so the tablets would bring through. They have me up walking the DAY AFTER it be done. They enunciate to hold a pillow over the incision and lean over the pillow a bit to cough-doesnt work still feel resembling inside and out are gonna be ripped start or at most minuscule surrounded by my bag it did. The salvage time isnt so discouraging after a couple weeks because the twinge decrease a bit respectively sunshine. I am put money on to normal-no decrease sex drive, if anything mine increased because nearby are no period to verbs something like. I have a vaginal birth next to adjectives mine so the dr that did mine told me it would be close to a c-section but the mark wouldnt be as long as a c-section one. If you want to know more grain free to contact me

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