Does breastmilk really advance growth of babies?

I hear that babies who drink breastmilk grow taller... is this only a myth or reality?

Is breastmilk really 'the best'?

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okay, do they really grow taller....complex to voice, but it is a proven certainty that babies who breastfeed find caring antibodies surrounded by the colustrum (the establishment milk) and come across to be in good health and stay in good health.
the other benefit is that women who breastfeed, do not grasp pregnant as hurriedly as they do if they do not breast nurture because suckling inhibits ovulation most of the time (because mother character doesn't want two babies at the breast at equal time because mom would run out of breast milk and both kids may starve)

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i dont know but it backing u lose substance

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lol idk thats what they adjectives enunciate.

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It have profoundly of antibodies from mom, which give toddler a herald start. It's unquestionably a great route to get hold of correct nutrition and boost child's immune system.... BUT mom desires to formulate sure she's ingestion closely of able-bodied things and staying hydrated.

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I don't know something like that. But breast milk really is the BEST. It's completely considerable to breast nurture until at tiniest 6 mths, and some doctors recommend until a year. This is because babies hold NO IMMUNE SYSTEM. Or at smallest, their immune system is not fully developed. When they are born, they enjoy a few antibodies from mom, but not satisfactory. Breast milk give them tons of antibodies and other nutrients they entail to stay athletic. The immune system is not done developing until give or take a few one year of age. So, it's completely vital to breast nurture.

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breastmilk is the best. it aides surrounded by developing the immune system, the brain, and bones. inheritance determines your rank but the breastmilk would provide the strong bones and nutritious nouns. ideally babies should breastfee for two years, but most mothers can't tolerate it that long.

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i dont know just about taller but they are profusely improved and better developed. i breastfed both of my girls -and they are uncommonly ever sick, other forceful, and never underweight - better immune system too.- it also help moms lose the freight faster -and hey no period -breast feed -HELL YEAH

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Even the formula companies plead guilty breastmilk is best.

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